The Chakra System

A Chakra is an energy point in the body, the word chakra is a sanskrit word which means "wheel of light". A chakra is actually a spinning energy vortex, shaped like a cone. There are 7 major chakra points in the human body and there are hundreds of minor chakras, there are even some chakras located outside the body to stabilize and hold the human energy field and aura together.

The chakras are activated when we do absolutely anything, from walking, talking, to praying. Each chakra corresponds to the physical, emotional, mental and the various spiritual dimensions* of the human body.

Each chakra has a special function to perform and each are linked to the various glands and are connected to the endocrine system. A colour is associated to each chakra e.g. the colours Violet and white are the colours of the crown chakra located at the head.
When we say dimension, we mean, a plane, level or aspect of the human body

When we work with our chakras we can harmonize our being, we can feel more energetic, feel more balanced in ourselves. We can evolve spiritually, physically, emotionally and mentally when opening our chakras. The chakras are energy doorways into our bodies, linking ourselves to Spirit.

As said above the chakras are connected the endocrine system, the endocrine glands on a physical level direct our metabolism and vitality at various parts of the body. On the spiritual level the endocrine absorbs subtle energies and transforms it into energy that we use for everyday living.

Please click on the small chakra picture below to see what the various functions of the chakras are.


Reiki Healing

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Thought Field Therapy

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About Brian McCullen

Dream Interpretation

Crystal Training


Transpersonal Counselling


Introduction to Chakras

Healing Tools

The 7 Chakras

The Tower of Light

History of Reiki

Maranatha Mantra

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