My Bio page for more about me..

A warm welcome to you my readers:

It is my hope that on these pages you will feel welcomed and find encoragement and inspiration for what ever troubles you. I hope and pray that you leave uplifted, full of hope and courage to face whatever may come your way.
Yes I realize that some of you may not be feeling your best, things may not be going all that well for you.
Life indeed can be such a heartache at times.
So for the times when you feel missunderstod, the times you feel unloved, feel neglected, feel abandaoned, for times when your love and kndness has been regected, your words of wisdom and concern ignored, for times when you just feel so empty and lonely, for times when you wish someone would care! some would listen, someone would understand. 
Hum....... so now some of you are thinking hey I feel like that a lot lately. Well guess what? your not alone..
" I will never leave you nor forsake you yes I am with you always "
So whatever it is your going through perhaps its your marriage or present relationship filled with heartache and infidelity, or just maybe it isn't the same anymore, the flame has died? the flower of romance wilted, Your mate now takes u for granted? Hold on for you there is Hope!
" for I know the plans I have for you thoughts to prosper you and give you a future,thoughts for good and not of evil.."
Or maybe its a family situation, fighting and bikering, some folks don't like ur drugs and drinking, to much curfew and not enough trust, no peace, no respect, no unity and family bond of love and harmony? Ah but for you to there is hope!
Come unto me all ye that are weary and heavy troubled and I will give you rest for your souls "
Or maybe its a situation at school things out of place for you, you feel left out, picked on, ridiculed, ignored. Or just plain tired of the routine.

Or perhaps you have years of schooling and ur working toward a financially secure future, your sacrificing many things, your working and studying hard.  Let me encourage you keep it up! Go for it! But just never forget that your satisfaction and worth will not be found in money or possesions, career or position, but rather in who you are as a person.. In your relationships not ur religion or job status be it a C.E.O or a lowly  janitor. If this is you theres something here for you. Theres hope too for you.

May I take a  minute to give you a quickie prep talk and say this; the level of ur success in life and relationships will be according to the level of ur expectations. In other words our actions follow our expectations. Hence if u think mediocre ur going to live a mediocre life. If you think successful u will be successful, if u think defeated you will live defeated. If u think ur destined for a life of poverty then u will live in the mindset of poverty. So what I'm saying is this to heck with everyone else's opinion of you. Think big! think right! BELIEVE in yourself. If no one else believes in you believe in urself and ur potential.

Or maybe its a situation at work, your boss, your secretary, or fellow co-workers, nag nag, nag, complain,  complain, complain, no appreciation, maybe you just feel like you live in Jerk City U.S.A.

Or perhaps its a situtaion at home, your neighbor, your aunty, grandma, grandpa, some other sibling WHO LIKES TO PLAY KING OF THE HILL WITH YOUR HILL?
Or maybe its the car that won't run right, or the bicycle that has a flat, or the fact that you have one bill payment in the mail and 5 more bills on the way and  the credit card maxed out?

Or maybe you don't even know why you feel the way you do. You seem to have all you want, you got friends, got money, got a love, got a home, got a car, got clothes galore, everything seems ok but for some odd reason you still feel empty, feel tired and weary,  feel unloved, feel misunderstood, feel uneasy, unsatisfied. Hum....
There is an answer.
'If anyone thirst ( hurt ) let them come unto me... and I will give them peace...  for I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly"

Then again maybe your just a happy camper and its all good with you, well this page is still for you..
Ah... I know  some of you are probably thinking, but wait a minute here. You see I'm not one of those Jesus freaks, I'm not even a believer, I don't believe all that religous stuff, all that bible talk.

Well ok I'll give you that much my reader, but have you ever thought that maybe the reason things are so messed up for you, so empty for you, so confusing for you, so boring and dead, so painful and discouraging? Is simply because you refuse to turn to or believe in the only one who can do something for you? That you shut him and his promises out of ur life. You close the door to his loving and kind intervention on your behalf by your unbelief and actions or inaction.

For those of you who still wish to remain unblievers. Did you know that you may be doing  the same thing to others as well.  Sometimes we shut OTHERS out of our lives, shut out their love and concern, shut out their help and assistance, maybe cuz we refuse to believe in them also or maybe worse yet we refuse to believe in ourselves!  What is my point? It's simple even though I may not know you personally I BELIEVE IN YOU! I feel that you are a person of worth and significance, your life does have purpose and meaning. You do have a future!

It doesn't matter what you've done  or where you have come from. Doesn't matter how wealthy you are or how poor you are, how ugly or how beautiful you are, big or small, famous or not famous. One thing I do know is that someone LOVES YOU! SOMEONE CARES! not only of myself but I speak also on behalf of the Mighty God in Jesus Christ! who gave his life for you! spilled his blood for you!
Even if we refuse to accept it or believe it. It's still a historical fact. What I choose to believe or not believe does not change the reality of what is! BUT IT WILL EFFECT YOUR FUTURE OF HEAVEN OR HELL?

The truth is God love you! And get this he still loves us even when we are sinning and make mistakes. When we mess up and FAIL he still cares and moves on our behalf.
Why he still loves a sinner like me and maybe like you, I don't care what your friends or the self righteous, or the holier than thou try to tell you.
When they misquote the bible and try to condemn you or judge you., He'd still move heaven and hell for you.

Yeah I realize that maybe like me, SOME OF YOU HAVE MADE MISTAKES IN THE PAST and may have hurt others. And now your REALLY feel sorry for it, but others still refuse to forgive you. Sad to say for some people being sorry is not good enough, but then again maybe its because some of us need to learn what real sorrow is, what real repentance is? We need to learn when we hurt others it takes time to heal, need to learn to understand the other persons feelings and hurts. Need to learn that they to need forgivness and love, understanding and patience. After all the hurt  did to them is not an easy thing to forget and put behind them. But unless we let go and let God  we will  live in a prison of unforgiveness.
Ah but there is hope even for us! Providing there has been a positive change and genuine sorrow in our lives...
For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton Son that who so ever believes in him might have ever lasting life " for the devil comes not but for to steal, kill and destroy, but I am come that you might have life and have it more abundantly"

So you see my friend, never give up there is always hope! always help!
On this web site you will find many different things to read or view. Not all are written with a religous perspective in mind but all are written from the stanpoint of love and care. What I'm saying is this is just as much a page for unbelievers as it for believers. For the religous and the unreligous, for the hopeful and the hopeless, for the loser and the winner, the optimist and the pessimist, the sad and the glad. 
I'm hoping all will find hope, love, laughter and encouragement here.
Even a lil humor  we could all use a smile now and then. Maybe even a good rip and roar, and shout for joy,    

So heres a little thought or suggestion for you no matter whats troubling you, whats bothering you, whats getting to you.  Try this, just chuck it all aside, leave it right there at your side, matter fact leave at your feet.
Just step over it, open the doors to your home step outside.
Now take a deep deep breath, breathe in that wonderful and refreshing fresh air, breathe new life into your hopes and dreams!
smell the roses and smell the sweet fragrance of life afresh and anew... open your eyes wide and take in that lovely scenic view of the sky, see things from a new perspective!
let the sun radiate on your face, Let it warm your soul and heart and feel you with new fire to live for today and tomorror!
Now open your ears and listen.... Can You hear the birds chirping and singing, can you hear the sweet whisper of love and joy in the flutter of their wings? 
Listen to the sound of love, to the sound of hope, to the sound of joy....
Hey did you know that their singing just for you. A song sent all the way from Heaven just for you...ENJOY...

         Just me, Your faithful friend to the end..
                    George Rendon Nava Jr.