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Council Appointments draw attention

By Robin Wark for Sooke News Mirror, December 3, 2002

On paper one of the first decisions of the second council of the District of Sooke appears unanimous.

However, observers at Monday’s inaugural council meeting might have noticed newcomer Tom Morino did not raise his hand to vote in favour of approving Mayor Ed Macgregor’s recommendations for committee appointments. But afterward Morino explained, with a smile, he wasn’t trying to set a dramatic tone.

He said he didn’t raise his hand either in favour or against the appointments because he just didn’t feel he knew enough about the various committees.

"I trust the mayor’s recommendations," Morino said, noting he understood what he did counts in the affirmative.

Following the taking of oaths of office and allegiance, the appointing of acting mayors (with each councillor filling in for two months in case of an absence), Macgregor’s inaugural address, the committee appointments were council’s only order of business on the evening. It was the first time Morino and George OBriain took their earned spots at the council table, joining Macgregor and incumbent councilors Lorna Barry, John Farmer and Marcus Farmer. Coun. Janet Evans was away on vacation.

Morino and OBriain took the places of Ron Dumont and Jeff Stewart, who were defeated in the Nov. 16 election. Dumont was among the about 30 audience members present for the occasion and was named to serve on the district’s sign committee and the liquid waste management plan public advisory committee.

The appointments to the latter seemed to grab the attention of some audience members. The eight-member committee will be responsible for providing input on the plan, which provides direction regarding all areas of wastewater management within the district, including the possibility of sewers.

Appointed, along with Dumont, were: Anita Voss, Lorne Nickalson, Randy Clarkston, Hugh Kennedy, Doug Wittich and Glen Varney., A representative of the T’Sou-ke First Nation will be appointed by the band later. John Farmer, the sewer study chair, and George OBriain, who campaigned against the sewer project as proposed, were named as council liasions to the committee. Both Farmers were named as sewer implementation liasions and John Farmer was tabbed as the sewer project ombudsman to deal with concerns the public has. Marcus Farmer was selected as his alternate.

"I’ve tried to put together as eclectic a group as I can," Macgregor said. "I didn’t necessarily want someone who agreed with me, but someone who would join in discussion."

Select committees
Boundary restructure committee — Marcus Farmer (chair), Evans, Macgregor (ex-officio), Steve Grundy, Ute Schnarr, Bruce Lemire-Elmore, Sue Smee, Mike Conlin; sign committee — Evans (chair), Morino, Macgregor (ex-offico), Dumont, Bruce MacMillan, Michael Dick, Neil Flynn, Jerry Liedtke; vacation home committee — John Farmer (chair), OBriain

Council liaisons
Harrbour Park — Evans, Morino; streets and traffic — Evans; On-site Management Advisory Committee — John Farmer; Sooke Community and Police Consultative Society — Morino; Sooke Family Resource Society — Barry; Sooke Regional Historical Society — Barry; Teens at Risk Committee — Barry; Treaty Advisory Committee — Marcus Farmer; Victoria Family Court Committee Youth Justice Committee — Barry; Water Advisory Committee — Bill Pedneault

Appointments to boards, commissions, societies
Board of variance — Ellen Lewers; Capital Regional District Board — Macgregor, Barry (alternate); Juan de Fuca Water Distribution Commission — Macgregor, Evans (alternate); Regional Water Supply Commission — Macgregor, Marcus Farmer (alternate); SEAPARC — OBriain, Evans, Macgregor; Vancouver Regional Library Board — Barry, OBriain (alternate)



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