Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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A sewage outfall is nuts
by Jasmine Philip, November 2000

The editor questions whether a new sewage system is a need or a want (Sooke News Mirror on Nov 1). May I suggest he use my system of categories: need, nice or nuts.

Is an ocean sewage outfall a need?
At the public meeting there was no convincing evidence that we need it. Unsubstantiated claims by the mayor that our harbour is polluted by septic systems was easily refuted by members of the audience who have read the CRD studies.

Is an Outfall nice?
Definitely not if you care about your ocean and local beaches and especially not if you worry about higher taxes.

Is an outfall nuts?
We are a small community working hard to restore salmon and attract tourists looking for a clean coastal escape.

Nuts it is.



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