Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Sooke council should not destroy waters it doesn't own by Anita Voss, November 2000

Every couple of years we residents of Sooke are presented with a call for an "absolutely necessary" public sewer system.

Consultants are hired at great expense who tell promoters of the system that an outfall is the cheapest and cleanest way of getting rid of our human waste.

Use the ocean as the ultimate flush toilet. Again and again concerned residents fought this proposal to pollute our coastal waters.

Contrary to what the hired consultants and the councillors try to convince us now are the following facts: Secondary treatment with an outfall does not get rid of nutrients which make up our waste. In an outfall as proposed these nutrients would stimulate algae growth which, among other things, would choke off the eel grass, as we see it happening already. Here go a lot of spawning grounds which are so important for numerous people in Sooke who live directly or indirectly from the sea.

If the core and business community of Sooke and council see the need for a sewer system, they can not use the cheap outfall solution, but should use the more expensive treatments which are in use in a small scale in some places in Sooke, and in a larger scale in some parts of the country and in western Europe.

If it's expensive pay for it, but do not destroy waters you do not own.



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