Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Otter Point and Shirley Residents and Ratepayers Association write to the Mayor and Council opposing a sewage outfall in Sooke

Kenneth G. Pungente, President
Otter Point & Shirley Residents & Ratepayers Association
Telephone: 642-5177
28 December 2000

Mayor and Council
District of Sooke Municipal Office
2225 Otter Point Road

Re: Sooke Sewage Outfall

Dear Mr. Macgregor and Councillors:

I am writing mayor and council on behalf of the Otter Point & Shirley Residents & Ratepayers Association to register our objection to Sooke's continued consideration of an outfall to dispose of its effluent. As your neighbouring communities and the ones most likely to be affected by the outcomes of your choice of sewage discharge, we request the following:

  1. That a public hearing (instead of open houses) be called on this proposal.
  2. That residents of Shirley and Otter Point be specifically included in any future surveys, focus groups or other public participation and data collecting activities conducted by the District of Sooke and its agents.
  3. That local special interest groups such as the T'Souke First Nations, Bed & Breakfast Association, Sooke Region Museuni/Tourist Information Centre, fishboat charter operators, OPSRRA and others who may have concerns about the effect of a sewage outfall on their property values, livelihood, and environment be asked to participate in any final decision about how to dispose of effluent.
  4. That the District of Sooke offer an assurance that a final decision on this matter of critical importance to the residents of Otter Point and Shirley will not be taken until the above requests have been addressed by mayor and council.

The reasons for our objection to the outfall method of effluent disposal are:

  1. It does not present a positive image for this section of the West Coast.
  2. It will likely have an impact on the local tourism economy including the bed & breakfast operators, fish charter companies, nature tour businesses and other local ventures dependent on marketing an image of clean air and water.
  3. It will compromise commercial fish, crab, clam and other sea and shore harvesters.
  4. It will allow a precedent for other communities and individuals to apply for and receive permission to dispose of their sewage into the ocean.

Our association realizes that the District of Sooke needs to provide an alternative to individual septic tanks if it is to become the designated growth centre for our area. However, as the first incorporated town on this section of the West Coast and the one whose name is most often associated with our area, you should also show vision and leadership. What does it say about your commitment to your community's future beauty, health and economic development if you choose to discharge effluent into the waters off of Sooke and Otter Point merely because it will be a quick and perhaps cheaper solution. Have you studied the probability that the choice of an outfall could leave a long term and more expensive mess for others to try and put right? Stop and consider the negative impact of your outfall on this part of the West Coast and in particular on Sooke's image. Stop and reconsider what you are supporting, before Sooke's name becomes forever associated with the rearend of effluent technology instead of the wave of the future.

Yours very truly,

Kenneth G. Pungente, President

CC. Rick Kasper, MLA Malahat-Juan de Fuca

CC. Brian Henson, Director Juan de Fuca Electoral Area

CC. "NO OUTFALL" Committee

CC. T'Souke First Nations

CC. Sooke Bed & Breakfast Association

CC. Sooke Region Museum/Tourist Information Centre



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