Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Nyet, nyet to council’s sewer initiative
Letter to the Sooke News Mirror, March 14, 2001
By P. Carr

When you hear somebody in Sooke talk about living in a "time warp" you naturally assume they are referring to denim skirts, long hair, Bob Dylan, and lava lamps.

But alas the "time warp" that exists here today reminds me more of Stalin, the Berlin Wall, and Red Square.

It seems that our fearless leaders have unilaterally decided that we, the people, need a sewer system.

In this "time warp" it would be unnecessary to proceed prudently with studies to determine the need for such a system or its effectiveness in dealing with a supposed problem, when the cause of said problem remains elusive or at the very least questionable.

Of course the source of funding for such a project would be easy to come by, the people could just work a little harder, or maybe they could just trim some fat from the food and clothing budgets for their children etc.

Well Mr. Mayor this is Canada in the year 2001, and this kind of approach to a major infrastructure project without the input of the affected populace is totally unacceptable. I can think of only one phrase for this initiative and for your chances of reelection. Nyet nyet soviet.



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