Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Open house information selective
by Allan and Eleanor Brooks

to the Sooke News Mirror, March 28, 2001

The sewer system open house was very selective with the information that was released.

Although asked many times about tax increases and costs these issues were avoided. We now find the average cost per household could be $629 per year, plus annual maintenance costs, plus hook-up costs, plus disposal of present systems.

If the Sooke Harbour is now being polluted by a few faulty septic systems and whatever else, do we have the right to use Sooke Bay for the entire outfall?

Will Sooke truly "boom" if we put in a sewer system or will a few benefit, while many pay?

What hidden agenda does council have when they are afraid to put this proposal to referendum?

A majority vote is clearly the democratic way that all Canadians hold dear.



Sewer Proposal



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