Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Comparing pool costs to potential sewer costs
by D. & J. Hatherly to the Sooke News Mirror April 18, 2001

Are you wondering what the sewer costs are going to be to you personally? There is a way for you to find out.

Pull out your property tax notices and find the figure that you pay for the swimming pool. Double that number. Take the doubled figure and multiply it by 4.7. The n03umber you arrive at is the number you will pay for the sewer system.

Here’s how this works: The pool cost is $4.4 million. If we get the grants, the sewer project will be $8 million plus almost $1 million operating. That makes $9 million. That’s double the cost of the pool. But wait. It’s not over yet. Seven thousand ratepayers pay for the pool. Only 1500 ratepayers will pay for the sewer. That’s 4.7 times less. So multiply your figure by 4.7. That number is the best estimate you will have on what you will pay for the sewer.

The average assessed home in Sooke is valued at $153,000. This means that the average owner pays $94 for the pool. Using these as our base figures, the average homeowner can expect a tax increase of approximately $900.



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