Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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We need to work with council objectively
by Don H. Brown to Sooke News Mirror May 9, 2001

We have the bounty of living in one of the most environmentally beautiful, peaceful and spiritually uplifting areas of the world. We reflect this environment in many ways in our social relationships and in the friendly spirit of cooperation and v olunteerism demonstrated by individuals and groups in our community.

As a new district municipality, we are facing a number of challenges to maintain and enhance our community, to preserve and further beautify our environment and to adapt to the diverse changes occurring in our society.

Our key to success as a community is unity in spirit and in action. Let us not allow developments, such as the sewer project, become divisive issues in our community.

We need to work with our elected council to objectively review the facts regarding the need for the sewer project and to consult together on alternative solutions dispassionately, without resorting to conflict and contention, without imputing ulterior motives.

Let us abandon the destructive, adversarial politics that unfortunately pervades our society, and let us demonstrate what we can become as a community by fostering that spirit of cooperation, active participation and mutual support that reflects the special beauty of the area we live in together.



Sewer Proposal



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