Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Estimates are not enough, concrete answers needed
Letter by C. McInnes to the Sooke News Mirror October 1, 2003


Hooray for Tia Leschke's letter in Oct. 24's Sooke News Mirror. As a new owner of a property in the designated sewer area I too am very perturbed by the sparse information that has been provided to us.

I took note of the approximate quotes for hookups and was really incensed by the blasé attitude of our local council in supporting these figures. Would you go out and purchase a new car if you were told by the salesperson that it might be in the neighbourhood of between $20,000 and $40,000? I think not.

Most consumers would like a concrete dollar figure, but alas we designated sewer people don't have that ability as we are "blown-off" time and time again with our serious questions as to hookup costs, payment schedules, timelines, connection fees, sewer management regarding the outfall and effluent condition, forced hookups and last but most serious, each and everyone of us homeowner's yearly taxes going UP by approximately $650.

Why should we, the chosen few, pay for all of Sooke? I hear time and time again that the sewers will bring in more benefits to the residents of Sooke, which tells me that every person living in Sooke should be paying for the upcoming sewers even if they are not connected at this time! We are all benefiting, or so the mayor and council stipulate - remember that.

For all of you who live on the outside of the designated area I gather happiness reigns in your households as you don't have to be pressured into paying extra for any of the above - is that fair?

Yes, I do feel that sewers are the way to go if we are to grow as a municipality but what I'm against is that only about 800 people are paying for everyone who is a Sooke resident and being forced to do just that.



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