Residents in Sooke are concerned about the imminent tax hikes to pay for the new sewer system.

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Sooke has a planner; he’s smart; let him do his job.
Letter by Herb Haldane to the Sooke News Mirror October 1, 2003


In case people haven't heard some time ago we hired a town planner.

This person is paid money by the community to make recommendations to council on how to set up a town in the most productive way possible. This person has spent many years in university to study urban planning and its development. These people are trained from other experts that have built and studied in every city and town ever built. So the reason little towns like ours hire one of these people so we don't have to flounder around and make a whole bunch of mistakes during a trial and error process.

So my problem is why are we making it so difficult to move forward as a community? We have our expert. We pay him money, therefore shouldn't we listen to him?

Do we want WRATH (Worried Residents Against Tax Hikes) recommendations to dominate our meetings? Please, let's move in the direction that our planner's recommendations take us.

Oh, yeah, by the way his name is Frank Limshue and he is really smart.



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