I'm glad you dropped by to visit. If you've visited before, you will see that I have been busy adding new pages and changing existing ones. While I'm pleased with the work so far, I'm sure there will be constant renovations so please visit from time to time.

My real name is Karen (yes, that is me *lol*). I am sometimes asked if I am from Chicago because of my handle. I actually live in the Clearwater area of Florida ... cKgo is sort of like see Spot run. I am 5'2" (5'6" in my heels thank you very much *grin*) and I have red hair and hazel eyes. I've had requests to post a color picture, so I've hidden one behind the black and white picture. If you click on it, you'll find a recent color photo. (I just wanted to make sure people were reading the page and not just looking at the pictures! *grin*)

If you have been here before and know where
you want to go ... here is a quick way around my site!
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If this is your first time here and you want a guided tour, or if you are using an early version of Netscape, just follow me. If your browser doesn't support the navigation bar you can just click on the Take Me There button and you will come right back here to the welcome page.

I see you brought your dog so we'll head out to the kennels first. I'll introduce you to Chewey and Reba, then while the dogs play we'll wander around the rest of the place. The Ball Room will give you some links to dance related pages. If you are interested in country music, visit the Music Room. If you like belly dancing I suggest that you visit the Harem. Check out the workshop where I do my leather work. My latest artistic endeavor is egg art. Egg art includes carving or etching egg shells. It also includes making dioramas. I am pleased to say that one of my carved eggs has recently taken first place in the novice category of an international eggshell carving contest. If you are looking for a special gift for someone drop me a line and we'll see what we can come up with. If you're interested in scuba, head on out to the beach. If you'd like, before you leave we can go back in and visit with some friends in the Family Room.

Thinking of doing a home page of your own, but don't know where to start ... check out my links page. You'll find links to everything you need to make that one of a kind home page, not to mention links to sites where you can send cards, flowers or gifts, and more. If I don't have a link to what you are looking for ... I even have a search engine there for you! Check it out and let me know if there is anything you'd like to see added.

Never look down on anybody
unless you're helping them up.
Jesse Jackson

Yes or No?
I have recently discovered my innate ability to know answers to questions before they are even asked! very spooky! I've decided to share this gift with you here on my page ... so here's your chance to know it all!

Ask a yes or no question out loud and click the button.
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Phenomenal Women Of The Web

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