In Loving Memory


Takutai Moana Kerei


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Dearly loved and respected Partner and Father
01/09/1968 - 15/02/1998

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I dont know why the angels came,and decided to take you away,
They must have needed someone very special,
when they carried you on their wings that day.
I wondered how they could take you from us.
and leave us here on our own.
Then i realised your love would live on inside us,
So in our hearts, we would never be alone.
God must have had a greater purpose for you,
when He decided your time on earth was done.
He must have wanted you for a Heavenly Angel,
so you can watch over everyone.
The angels told him you were so very special,
and could make the world a greater place to live,
So with wings full of love, they took you to heaven,
and now everyone can feel all the love you have to give.

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One sunny day you left us,
God decided to call you home.
Today as I think of you
I can't help but feel alone.
Time passes slowly
When your heart is full of grief,
You look ahead in life
but can see no relief.
I guess I must have faith
In God's Glorious Word,
He has a wonderful plan for us
This is what I've heard.
So, I will try
To hang in there awhile
I'll keep my faith and trust in God,
For I long to see your smile.

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I can still remember like it was yesterday,
When your smile could take my tears away.
How we would talk, laugh, and play...
But now, that seems so far away.
Why did you have to go, Dad?
It still makes me so very sad.
To think, the last time I knew you
Was the day - I last saw you.
The need to hear your voice or feel your touch,
Still to this day - hurts so much.
A year has now passed, and I still grieve;
I wonder if this pain will ever leave.
And the tears - well, they never seem to go away,
Regardless of how much I smile or pray,
But for you, Dad - I can always manage a smile.
Besides the pictures I have kept,
Our memories are all that I have left.

I Love you Daddy

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