Guiding Lights

Everyone has some guiding principles, some basic philosophy by which he or she lives his life. Many just live their lives, and never think about why they do things.

I chose the title "Guiding Lights" because in many ways, my faith and my basic philosophies are the guiding lights by which I live my life. However, rationalizing the occasional conflicts have not been easy.

Others ponder, cogitate and agitate….and arrive at philosophies for themselves. I fall in between, lurching from very reflective moments to a "me no bother me no care" attitude. However, in my younger days, a very close friend of mine, Khin Wee, and I began to try to distill some of our common philosophies and observations. Recently, Colin and his constant scribing in his journals has led me to start jotting thoughts and ideas, and led to another attempt to set down some of my own guiding lights. Some of what I have written out aren't really philosophies in the true sense of the word. They are rather, rationalizations of my experience.

For those of you who really want to know, here are links to my guiding lights:

My faith

bulletThe Anglican Church - Why
bulletEducation for Ministry - EFM Web page

My personal philosophies

On friends
bulletAnnie's principle - sweet dreams are made of this
bulletCircles of friends
bulletHorses for courses

On life and living
bulletPeanuts, cashewnuts, pistachios
bulletPlan for tomorrow, live for today
bulletLife is a game of Jenga
bulletTo everything there is a season
bulletMoments of decision

On giving and money
bulletWhat is money for?
bulletConcept value

On wealth
bulletJob's wisdom
bulletTreasure on earth

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Amended on: August 01, 2004