Gothic_Angell of Darkness Homepage

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~Greetings and Welcome to my Castle.~ A soft and seductive voice purrs in your ear. " I hope this dark and stormy night finds you well" a soft chuckle is heard. `For I know I am perfect of course!~ ~As your eyes become adjusted to the dim lights in the castle you notice that it is only lit by candle ~ light and things do not appear to be as they seem. You notice with some trepidation a pair of black ~wolves sitting at the foot of a grand staircase. You search the foyer of the castle for the owner ~of the voice who welcomed you. You suddenly shiver as a cold draft goes across your you turn quickly you find no one there, but you hear a soft chuckle to your right, turning again, you are surprised to find yourself face to ~face with a petite woman of timeless beauty and age. Her long auburn hair flowing behind her, ~ blue eyes twinkling in the candle light, she smiles at you to reveal sparkling white teeth and deep ~ dimples. ~"Please join me...dinner is about to be served..and I am sure you will find it most delectable."

~Vampires sit and watch these things take place.Knowing of the outcome but able to do nothing. There eyes gleaming out from the darkness watching as they have for all time.~

~~Welcome To My Castle~~


~We are all creatures of one sort or the other,yet it is what others do not know of us that make usmagnificent~ .

~I stalks within the shadows of the night...A gothic angel of the night with a heart of black~

~My power so unending, my dreams so commanding, I being one who can not die, living on to remember always.~
The darkness calls my name,It beckons to my soul,A spirit cries for freedom, a spirit light can't hold. I yern to see the moon,Let the dark caress my face, I shiver with sheer ectasy,When it is darkness that I taste Then dusk turns to dawn,And the devil is to blame, For night time in my daytimAnd Vampire is my name..
As you look up into the far distance it is there perched high on a hill over looking the ocean below that you will find the realm of Gothic_Angell. So please travel onwards up the road that will lead you to the main gates. Upon entering the door below, it will lead you into the main corridor of my home....From there which path you decide to take, is merely up to you...
Welcome~I'm so glad you could drop in for a visit.. I have chosen to dedicate this site to the sweet, seductive night and the beautiful Vampyr who resides within it's darkness... As we have walked the earth since time immemorial...And I don't mean the Vampyr of folklore and Hollywood movies, but Real Vampire..Art, poetry, quotes, some original, some not... Do make yourself at home and stay awhile.. I won't bite.. I'm forever adding new thoughts and images so please, do come visit me again soon..


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It was hot and cold
sometimes new and always old
I was young and bold
My soul had been sold
It was the trill
of the devil's kill
It is the wound that won't heal
and he always comes agianst my will
I am a creature of the night
I always cause such a fright
and there is a legend about my bite
but with my race, it's alright
I am the Vampire
and I never tire
My throat is continuously on fire
So is this what they all admire?

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updated 3/09/99