Your site must meet the following criteria before it can be entered into the webring:

You must have a Web Page....

You must be a regular in the Tavern....or at least visit us sometimes dammit ..!

You must place the Tavern ring html code on your web site ensure that the ring remains unbroken....

Do you think your website meets these requirements? If so, please continue!

Submit your site to the QUEUE....

Owner's Name:
Site Title:
Site URL:

Please choose a password. (Don't forget it!!)
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

You will NO LONGER need to right click on the Tavern Logo and save it !! It will appear on your page ....once you cut and paste the html code from this page to yours !! ......(this would be your next step)........please remember to insert your SITE ID NUMBER as indicated ..and to change the E-MAIL to your correct address ....:)

The HTML fragment is: <!--START TABLE CUT HERE--> <CENTER> <TD><A HREF=""><IMG SRC= "" ALT="Vampires Tavern Logo" BORDER=0></A></TD> </CENTER> <CENTER> <TD><FONT SIZE=-1>This site is part of the <A HREF="">Vampires Tavern Web Ring </A>. <BR> This site was created by <A HREF="mailto:YOUR E MAIL ADDRESS">YOUR NAME</A>.<BR> Click for the <BR><A HREF=" YOUR ID NUMBER HERE&next">NextPage</A> <A HREF=" YOUR ID NUMBER HERE&skip">SkipIt</A> <A HREF=" YOUR ID NUMBER HERE&prev">Previous</A> <A HREF=" YOUR ID NUMBER HERE&list">List Sites</A> <BR> Want to join the ring?<A HREF=""> Click here for more Info!</A>.</FONT></TD></CENTER> <!--STOP TABLE CUT HERE-->

Once your HTML is in place on your page ..the next thing to do is Mail the Webring Mistress (Jeanettecula) and notify her that your HTML Code is in place on your Page ..!

WEBRING MEMBERS may edit thier site information here.....!!!

Enter your site ID and password below:

Site ID:

Forgot your password?