Tuff Hedeman

"My Profession and my personal accomplishments aren't near as important to me as my family, that is more important to me than any title I could win." -Tuff Hedeman

"He's broken his neck, been paralyzed and smashed his face, and that didn't stop him. He came back and beat Us!" -Ty Murray

Born on March 3, 1963 in El Paso, Texas to Red and Clarice, Tuff was the seventh of seven kids. Tuff, now at age 34 and residing in Morgan Mill, Texas, has made a name for himself in rodeo. His most impressive accomplishments are his winning of the PRCA World Champion Bull Rider in 1986, '89, and '91 and in 1995 and winning PBR World Championship. As a Cowboy, he's done it all, but he'd give it all up in a second for his family (Tracy and his two boys, Lane and Trevor).

Tuff has had his share of up's and down's without a doubt. In my opinion, his biggest fall would have to be when his partner Lane Frost died in 1989 at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo in Cheyenne, Wyoming when a bull ran him over and one of his ribs pierced his heart. Tuff has had the good Lord on his side all through his rodeo career. He was paralyzed, but he pulled through and came back healthy. The latest mishap was with Bodacious. On one of Tuff's rendez-vous with the bull in 1995 he received a crushed face for the ride. Tuff rode this bull before, but wasn't so lucky on his last encounter with him. But after having to have six hours of major reconstructive surgery on his face, he is back once again!

All this and more proves that Tuff Hedeman is "Tuff Stuff"!

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