In the Pearl Islands, the Survivors must share their living space with myriads of insects, mammals, birds and sea creatures. Although the castaways will be able to find food, water and the means to build shelter in their island environment, they will also face many dangers, including poisonous plants and animals, predators, changes in weather and, perhaps most treacherous of all, each other!

Situated in the Gulf of Panama about 50 miles southeast of Panama City, this archipelago comprises about 183 islands. Many of these are tiny and largely unexplored, but in general, the islands are characterized by rich soil, lush foliage and abundant wildlife. The climate is tropical, with high humidity and a rainy season lasting about nine months. June and July are the hottest months, with high temperatures reaching from 77° F to 86° F.

The Pearl Islands, named for the abundance of pearls found in the surrounding waters, were discovered in 1513 by the Spanish explorer Vasco Núñez de Balboa when he crossed the isthmus of Panama and first beheld the Pacific Ocean. The islands became a haven for european pirates, who were attracted by the pearls and the proximity to rich Spanish settlements and ships ripe for plunder.