To the Light About Me To the Dark Side
Forgive the how bare the site looks at the moment. I will continue to update the site. I just realized that my index page has recieved 212 hits so I thought I'd better show some sign of progress. I'm only going to put up the basic shell of the site for now. If you don't like it, get the hell over it. Once I finish the rest of the site it will look a bit better.

So anyway, I suppose I should say something about the light side and dark side thing. Among other things, I'm a musician. I've been having a problem deciding what kind of music I want to make. I've always been stuck between writing acoustic music with more emphasis on the lyrics and these dark rock-like songs that I can't really explain very well. Since I couldn't decide I thought I'd do both. Since the music styles are complete opposites, I thought it would be great if I did a double CD with two opposites as the title. Dark and light were the first two that popped in my head. So there you go.

I'm still recording, so I don't have any of the songs from the Light side to put up yet. So here are some lyrics to the song I'm working on now. Those of you who've heard me perform this before know that originally is was a hard, fast song. Not anymore. Unless I re-write the music for it. Anyway, it's not my best but fuck it, here you go.

Blood Never Washes Away
Written by: Tomy Howard
Date Written: 8-12-02
©Sane Baboon Productions

In jest you never see
Always in sobriety
The hate it will consume you
Take it out on you
What will you do?
What could you do?
See into the fear in you
Feel the heat rush out of you
Hear the hate stomp out of you
Taste the bitter drink
A fool’s only insight
A scene of effigy
No exceptions left to spare
No more sorrow there
What could I do?
What should I do?
The light, falling fast from sight
Its night, like no other
It’s the fright, take you away from me
It’s your might, stronger than mine
It’s the height of this situation
And the blood never washes away
I taste it on your lips
I can hear it on your breath
And the blood never washes away
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it on your face
I can see it on your hands
And the blood never washes away
I can feel it on your skin
I can feel it on your mind
I can feel it on your soul
And the blood never washes away
I can taste it on your lips
I can taste it on your life
I can taste it on your pain
And the pain never goes away
To the Light About Me To the Dark Side