Chapter 8

The Choice

“They were here. I can feel them.”

“We’ve got something a bit more tangible than feelings, Ladies.”

The baby was well wrapped and sleeping peacefully. Andrew picked him up, with a certain wonder.

“Spike’s baby.”

Giles came over and also peered at it.

“Thank god! Buffy’s child.” He breathed softly and then cleared his throat as emotion threatened to rise within him. He didn't know how he could have broken the news to Buffy, how he could have lived with himself... he blinked a couple of times.

It was the first time that Andrew had really looked at the baby properly.

“It looks just like…” Andrew’s honesty won out “Well actually, nothing like Spike. Chubby cheeks, a squashed nose.” The baby awoke and squinted at him. “Blue eyes though.”

“All babies have blue eyes.”

“He’s quite cute. For a baby.”

“Indeed, I believe he is a remarkably handsome chap.”

“Would you like…” Andrew offered the baby to Giles and was rewarded with an engaging smile.

“Why thank you. I believe I would.”

The slayers left the boys to coo over the baby.

“There’s been a fight.” Chris toed the splintered remains of a stake.

“So they fought and ran this way…” Erica tracked them, finding the odd foot print in the dirt.

“They went outside.”

The skid marks were plain.

“And drove off at high speed.”

“Spike wasn’t being dragged or carried. That’s his boot print, which indicates that he was running for the car as well. I haven’t a clue what’s happening but at least he’s still alive and he’s in a fit state to run.”

“Thank God. When we found those instruments at the last place, it turned my blood to ice.”

“Kirst was sick.”

“Just gotta remember he heals. Whatever happens he heals. Wonder why he’s running with Angelus now?”

The slayers considered this.

“Maybe he negotiated for the baby?”

“Seems that way. But what did he compromise on?”

“Do you think he agreed to join Angelus?”

“No, I don’t.”

“Then what?”

“I’ve no idea, I guess we just have to trust that Spike knows what he’s doing and can handle it.”

“I don’t like that he ran from us.”

They were silent. Neither of them liked it. Chris finally broke the silence.

“My guess is that Angelus struck a bargain with Spike but didn’t trust us to honour it.”

“Maybe not us personally.” She nodded her head towards Andrew and Giles.

“There were just too many variables so he left.”

“Ok. I can buy that, but now what?”

“I don’t think he’d willingly go to Buffy, Spike wouldn’t agree to that. But two of us should stay with her and the baby just in case there’s some sort of double-cross in the air.”

“We’ll talk to Kirsty and Neesha, they may as well return to L.A. and we’ll stay here.”

Erica nodded her agreement before remembering something else.

“Did you notice the symbols on the walls of this warehouse?”

“Yeah. Weird. Magical maybe?”

“I’ll phone Wesley and send him photos. It might be important.”

“Ok. Let’s head back.”

Erica went inside and took a few photographs with her camera-phone, immediately sending them through to Wesley.

Chris made the call and reported back to Erica.

“We’re on standby. Wesley has seen these markings before and said he’d be able to get a position on Angelus and Spike.”

“Some good news at last.”

“Yeah. You gotta admit we were due some.”

They walked back to the two men.

“Ok, Fair Ladies. This is a setback. However, if the two of you would take the baby back to Buffy and remain on guard there, the rest of us will return to L.A. and we’ll discuss our next move.”

“Yes, Andrew.” They replied obediently, as though that plan of action had never occurred to them.

“These symbols…”

“We’ve got Wes working on them. He thinks he knows how Angelus has been shielding and is hoping to get their position shortly.”

“Oh. Very good. Uh, Giles would you care to return to L.A.?”

“I rather think I should go to Buffy. She may need me.”


Dawn was beginning to brighten the sky and Spike had managed to maintain a stony silence thus far. There was nothing he wished to say to the other vampire. Angelus merely waited. He knew Spike couldn’t keep up a silence for the whole trip. He hid a small smile as he his boy finally cracked.

“How far is it, anyway?”

“We’ll be there by dusk. Sleep if you want.”

“You must be kidding! “

I’ve had plenty of opportunities to kill you and you’re still here.”

“Not tired.”

Spike turned the radio on and tried to keep his eyes open.

“And watch your bleedin’ speed.”

“Yeah? Like you do. Not.”

“Wasn’t talking about me. Angel wouldn’t speed.”

Angelus started to think about the insane decision he’d made.

“What will it be like? Living like you do? If I want to speed will I be able to? Or does it go for an internal vote or what?”

“Hell, I don’t know. You just make an informed decision. Sometimes a particular action disgusts you more than it attracts you, other times you release the bad side.”

Spike cocked his head to one side and looked at him with curiosity.

“Angel used to go into demon face, wasn’t that you at all?”

“No. Well a little. But just a dog on a leash. Barking when I was told to bark and then muzzled and kennelled again.”

“I’m not divided in half that way. It’s a wonder you’re as sane as you are.”

“Jeez, watch yourself Childe. That was almost a compliment.”

“Was it? I’ll be more careful from now on.”

“Here.” Angelus tossed over some shades and put on a pair himself. The sun was beginning to rise and streaming through the necrotempered glass. They were not made for such blinding light and it was almost painful to their sensitive eyes.

Spike looked at them carefully before pushing them on. The world immediately dimmed and became  more comfortable but he missed the stunning vibrancy of sunlit colours and wondered why anyone would want to dull the brightness. He nearly removed them and then decided that he probably looked damned cool.

“I wish I could see myself?”

“”You look…” A pink tongue appeared as Angelus licked moistened his lips, “… shaggable.”

Spike pouted slightly.

“Ok. You look like you’ve stepped off the front of a magazine cover, is that better? How about me?” He gave a wide smile.

“You look cheesy and smooth, like you’re about to sell me a car.”

“Yeah? Cool.”

“Didn’t mean it as a compliment.”

Silence fell again and once more it was Spike who broke it, as his thoughts skittered around, like Bambi on ice.

“The last time we were on the road together we were in a horse drawn carriage.”

“Yeah. How weird is that? Hey, this is our first road trip, shouldn’t we be arguing about what music to listen to or something?”

Spike didn’t really want to get into a conversation but he couldn’t restrain himself.

“Well you’re not insisting on Bach, which is always a bonus.”

Angelus was pleased with himself as familiar views settled upon the unfamiliar situation.

“And you haven’t gone hunting through the airwaves for the Sex Pistols. It’s not even music. It has no tune, no sense of order.”

“Yeah, bloody great, isn’t it? Total chaos, mindless violence and snarling anger.”

“At least Manilow…”

“Don’t even go there.”

“Yeah, but…”

“I’m not listening to you cus, well I don’t know how to break this to you, Mate, but you have absolutely no taste in music.”

Angelus scowled.

“Yeah? Well, what’s this we’re listening too at the moment? Frigging maudlin crap.”

He reached over to the radio and tore it loose, slinging it into the back.

“Country music. And you’re right it is. Always thought you liked it, though.”

“That was Angel. Music to brood to. So you hated it too?”

“Yeah… but I would’ve just changed the station.” Spike rolled his eyes. “How many times do I have to say it? Such a bleeding’ drama queen.”

“Ah well. Conversation is far more sociable than listening to the radio.”

“Funny enough I’m not feeling particularly sociable. How long did you torture me for?”

“Obviously not long enough.” Angelus muttered.

“Tell me, what the hell was all that torture crap about anyway?”

“Well you know, partly I just enjoy hurting you. I guess it’s the same as how you enjoy stabbing Angel, oh no, sorry, blunt instruments is your preference, isn’t it?”

“He knew I was kidding… sort of kidding.”

“Partly because I wanted days like this.”

“You wanted road trips?”

“Companionship. Family. Connection. Do all the things that vampire families do. Back one another up, hunt, have sex.”

“Argue, fight , brawl.”

“Well, yeah. That’s part of it to. You’ll do those things with me because you’re not afraid of me. Everything I did to you and you gave me anger, sorrow and contempt. Never cowardice and never fear, gotta respect that. You’re my equal, you beat me to that cup and, sheesh, I still can’t believe you did that. Must have had an off day. Uh, what was my point again?”

“I’m your equal.”

“Yeah. That’s why Dru would never have been enough to hold me here. A companion has to be an equal and you’re the only one I have. So I tried to win you around.”

“Could have tried flowers and chocolates first. Well not flowers cus obviously, if you brought me flowers, I’d have to kill you. But chocolate’s good. I like chocolate.”

Angelus pulled a face.

“Jeez, Spike, that is so unnatural. You’re a frigging vampire!”

“All the things you’ve done in your unlife and you complain cus eating chocolate is unnatural!”

“You just smiled at me.”

“What? No I didn’t!”

“You did. You like me. You luurve me.” Angelus chuckled and cast a wicked glance from beneath his lowered lashes.

Despite everything, Spike could hardly resist when Angelus was in such a playful mood, desperately he tried to hold back an answering grin.

“Sod you. I said that under duress and anything spoken under duress can’t be held against a bloke.”

“Got other things I could hold against you…”

Spike fell silent.

“What? Are you turning womanish on me Spike?”

“You wish.” It was a half-hearted riposte. His thoughts were turned to other matters. “So when you ask for a soul, this’ll mean no more curse then?”

Angelus nodded.

“And Angel can be happy or shag… you know if he wanted to?”

Another nod.


“If I’m gonna be a co-driver you can hardly expect me to be celibate can you?”

“So you can go off and find yourself another little blonde bint.”

“Aye, I guess I will. Have to be someone who can match me in strength and stamina.

“Plenty of slayers to choose from now.”

“Oh come on. They’re children.”

“Not for long. Time goes so quickly for us. Blink once and they’re beautiful sirens.”

“Blink again and they’re middle aged.”

“You were never ageist.”

“I’m not and I’ve already got a little blonde in mind.”

“You’re gonna take Buffy aren’t you? Like you took Dru?”

Angelus shook his head in amusement.

“Have you heard the homosocial theory?”

Spike stared at him.

“I guess that deer in the headlights look means ‘yes’. Don’t be coy, Childe, you know which blonde I’m talking of.”


Wesley was worried. He’d spent the morning going through Council reports and pushed them away with a sigh.

“Do you remember Giles saying that he’d put out the word for slayers to question vampires before staking them? He’s asked me to look through the results and I’m getting some very odd information in.”

“Odd? In what way?” Gunn asked.

“A decrease in supernatural activity. The most powerful beings appear to be leaving this dimension.”

“Uh oh. Not good.”

“Is there any additional data?” Fred asked.

“Just the normal ‘something bad is coming’ talk.”

“Where are these reports originating from?”

“All over. Canada, Scotland, Siberia, Australia, New Zealand.”

“The poles.” Gunn said.

“No nothing from Poland.” Wesley replied, skimming through his notes.

“Oh.” Fred said with dawning understanding. “No, the reports are coming from the far North and the far South.”

“Oh, those poles. Oh Christ! The World Eater.”

“How can it be?” Gunn asked. “The White Witch has located it and is working on it. That is why she’s been away so long, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but surely this is too much of a coincidence?”

“Is there anything you can do to make it visible? Willow said that she could see it thrown across the sky like a web.”

“I’ll do my best. Damnation, I’m supposed to be taking away Angelus’ protective runes and getting a position on him, as well. I can’t do every bloody thing!”  He took a deep breath, he must be tired for his temper to escape him like that.

“Don’t stress, man. Tell us what you need and we’ll get everything in place whilst you research this.” Gunn offered.

“Right. Yes.” Wesley ran a hand through his hair distractedly. “I’ll make out a list but it’s basically the same as when we de-cloaked Lindsey.”

“Yeah, I remember. Don’t worry. I’ll deal with this part of it.”

Wesley nodded his thanks and began to pull books out and leaf through them, whilst Fred and Gunn set up the other spell. They worked quietly, not daring to badger Wesley but casting anxious looks in his directions.


The drive continued, the sun rose and began to fall. The trip had been almost companionable with Angelus at his charming best and Spike already journeying away from the dark, bleak places, where he’d never been more than a tourist. The wanderer returned and like all travellers the memories of the places he visited were dimmed with each step he made towards home.

Angelus squinted into the sky and opened demon eyes to examine it more closely.

“Why you doing that?” Spike asked, curiosity finally getting the bettor of him.

“I guess we’re nearly there, so you may as well know what’s happening. Use your demon eyes, Childe, and look at the sky.”

Spike did as he was told and saw a glowing mesh of lines criss-crossing the sky.

“What in hell is that?”

“The thing I released. One of the minions felt something icy graze past him when he was standing in front of the portal.”

“When you cut that man’s throat?”

“Just how did you get so well informed?”

“Got a vision. Saw it all.”

“Oh. Anyway, I never meant it to get here. Thought it would move on and the witch would stop it before it got this far, but it slipped through somehow.”

“Jesus, Angelus! It’s been here all this time? I’ve gotta let Willow know.”

“Here.” Angelus tossed him a cellphone. “Call.”

“You’re letting me call?”

“I told you it was a mistake. Get the witch to stop it.”

“I thought all this was to keep Red out of the way?”

“Things have changed now. I’m going for a soul, and do you know how it burns my mouth to say those words?” He licked around the inside of his mouth with distaste, as if the words still lingered and he could wipe them away.

“We’re nearly there and even if she wanted to stop me there isn’t enough time.”

Spike picked up the phone with trembling hands and made the first contact he’d had with the outside world since his capture.


Andrew and the slayers returned, already gloomy and dissatisfied, they added to the oppressive atmosphere. Fred and Gunn escaped on to the roof. The day was passing quickly and they watched the fading sunlight, filtered through the haze of smog and pollution. Even that shimmering light held a strange, ethereal beauty. Fred squinted into the sky.

“Do you think it’s there, Charles? Writhing above us, waiting to strike?”

The beautiful light suddenly took on a sinister aspect. Gunn shrugged.

“We’ll find out soon.”

She looked down on the city, all the shiny people in their shiny cars, ignorant of the danger that threatened. Charles had been brought up with vampires and demons, but she used to be like those folk once. Then there was Pylea and that being insane period. Now she was here, fighting demons, gods and apocalypse.

“What you thinking about?” Gunn asked.

“All those people living their lives. Ignorance is bliss, isn’t it?”

“You’d rather be like that?”

“Oh no! I think I was born for this. If ever you see a blissful smile on my face give me a slap and a dose of reality.”

Gunn laughed. “I can do that.”

He stood up and reached out a helping hand.

“Come on. Guess we’d better see how English is doing.”

They met Wesley as he emerged, waving a bit of paper.

“Ok. I think this may work.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a spell to reveal lines of power, Intended for leylines, magnetic fields and suchlike.”

They followed him outside. The sky was dark, the normal Los Angeles haze obscuring their view. Wesley stepped forward and began a low chant. Nothing appeared to be happening.

“Reveal!” He commanded.

Before their eyes a shimmering net appeared, cast upon the sky and the world was caught within its toils, like a whale awaiting the strike of a harpoon. It was magnificent and dreadful in the same instance, gleaming strands of raw power, pulsating against a sullen, molten sky.

“Oh dear God.” Wesley muttered. “There’s no end in sight. Its been here for some time.”

“How far is L.A. from the equator?”

“I’m not sure, but it runs through South America. Northern Brazil I believe.”

“And how far do you think our horizon stretches?”

“Again, I’ve no idea but one thing I’m sure of. This is too damned close.”

“You know, I think this must have come here at the same time the last world was destroyed.” Fred said.

Gunn frowned in confusion.

“But it moved on to Willow’s dimension, didn't it?”

“You forget we’re not dealing with a single entity. Willow thought it replicated itself. Supposing it does? Usually it would only have the strength to open one portal and move to one world.”

“So what’s different this time?” Gunn wondered.

“Do you remember when Spike had that vision? It wasn’t exactly a vision. Angelus left the portal open and the sorcerer was pushing images into Spike’s head as they happened.”

Gunn was nodding.

“So you’re saying as the world was destroyed the World Eater had access to an open door?”

Wesley nodded, wrinkling his brow and continuing with his line of reasoning.

“So it opened one portal and had access to another. Perhaps this thing makes numerous replicates of itself but because it only has enough strength to open one portal then normally only one pair can move on…”

“But this time, thanks to Angelus, the things had access to two dimensions.”

“All this happened over three weeks ago. You realise that’s approximately how long a world lasts before it’s drained of life and power?”

Andrew appeared and waited for a second listening to their conversation.

“I can confirm your conclusions. Angelus has allowed Spike to call and warn us. The World Eater came through when Angelus set it loose, over three weeks ago.”

“Is Spike alright?”

“I don’t really know. He gave me the information and then the connection was cut.”

There was no room for doubt and no need for further speculation. If Angelus was helping, then it was serious.

“We need Willow back here immediately and let’s hope she’s made some progress solving the problem. Fred, you set up an emergency communication channel, didn’t you?”

“Yes. Uh. We never got a chance to test it, but in theory…”

“Time to test it.” Wesley gave her a reassuring smile. “It’ll be fine.”

Fred nodded uncertainly.


Willow? We need you.” She called.

“Fred? I’m at a critical point. Please, this world hasn’t got long. I either fix it in the next ten minutes or I lose it.”

“It’s an emergency. Angelus unwittingly released the virus to our world. It’s been here as long as it’s been where you are.”

“But… I’m so close here and timing is critical. I can see it moving across, when it meets at the equator then it will feed and the world will be lost.” Even through the link her anxiety was plain.

“Then you need to make a choice. It’s happening on our world too. We can see it spread out in the skies above us. If that world has only minutes then in minutes we’ll be gone.”

Willow stilled, only her hair moved, flying in all directions from the immensity of the power that she was challenging.

She didn’t really believe it, until she opened a portal above the Earth and looked down with horror. She prayed to her goddess as she realised that the two halves were about to meet. As they collided, the world shuddered. The wind fell, an unearthly silence filled the heavens and time itself appeared to stop.

Darkness fell like a droplet and rippled slowly through the air, sucking out warmth and life, leaving behind the deafening silence and the hollow creaking of a dying world.

Willow’s eyes darkened as she drew forth more power and attempted to hold back the darkness, but all in vain. It was too late. She could see the dead air pouring forth across the world like the icy exhalation of some malignant arctic god, freezing everything in its path, producing eerie imitations of life, sculpted from crystal. An ocean wave, its rolling gait immobilised in an instant. Spray and spume captured, reaching towards a curtailed freedom, freezing and falling, shattering like glass onto the newly emerging ice sheet.

Angelus had opened a gate just as the virus was at its most powerful, when it had devoured a world and was seeking a new victim. One part of it had spent its energy opening a portal to the next dimension. Another part had seized the opportunity of an easy exit to a new source of power. It had arrived, fully fledged with the full force of a voracious predator. It was stronger here than in that other dimension where she had spent her time working so diligently. Overconfidence and arrogance were often failings in clever people and she recognised she had these failings in spades. She’d been so sure that she was about to beat it, yet here it was, in the heart of her home world.

She cried out her warning across the world and all who had the power to hear turned their eyes fearfully to the sky, as the lattice work of power exploded into a rolling flash of white light. In seconds all her attempts to save another world were challenged into saving her own. All the preparations she had carefully made were utilised to this end.

Willow called upon the gods of a dead world, a dying world, her own world and demanded that they helped her. She stepped into the ruined dimension of Chi’lustra and opened portals, hundreds of portals that winked open to hundreds of thriving worlds. Their strength and vitality flooded through like sunlight through un-curtained windows. She channelled the enormous energy across the emptiness of Chi’lustra and opened a portal to Earth.

The parasite could sense power unlike anything it had ever felt before, pouring forth from the opened gate. The darkness stopped in its tracks, the destruction came to a halt and veered and spun through the gate, tempted away by the pulse of raw energy and overflowing life. It greedily flew into Chi’lustra, glorying in the radiance of the power.

In a blink, Willow had slammed all the portals shut, cutting off the source of that immense life force that had called to the creature. She stepped back into her home world, sealing the door closed. The World Eater was left behind in darkness, tricked into an empty dimension that it had already drained. With no energy left to sustain it and insufficient power to open another gate it would slowly fade away and die.

She was home.

Everyone was staring at the sky, holding their breath and blinking in astonishment as the web of power withdrew in an instant. They turned, noticing her return. Her mouth was set in a thin angry line, her hair was still flying in all directions and her eyes were black. Gunn automatically took a step backwards.

Willow! It worked, you did it!” Fred smiled at her.

She shook her head and her mouth trembled.

“No, I… I…”

Her eyes returned to their normal colour as the blackness drained away. Wracking sobs convulsed her body.

Willow. Hush. Hush. You saved us.” Fred said gently and gave her a reassuring hug.

Slowly her tears eased.

“It’ll have moved on again by now. I left the other world to die and now it’s in the next one. I killed that world as surely as…”

“No, you didn’t. You tried to save it. Not a man or power could blame you for putting your own world first.”

She straightened up.

“No. You’re right, I’m not to blame.”

Suddenly she had an Orb of Thesulah in her hand. She muttered an incantation and it began to glow with a soft golden light.

“But I know who is. He’s killed two worlds and injured ours.”

“Injured… it had begun here?” Wesley asked.

Willow nodded.

“I had no time to think, the darkness had begun to drain the world. Everything froze to its touch. It was over the oceans. Maybe the seas will melt again and living things will repopulate the deeps but it drew power from our world and that can never be returned. We live in a damaged world, Wes, with a new, partly formed ice sheet. I don’t know what the consequences of that will be. I don’t know whether humanity will survive it.”

“Angelus did all that, just to keep you out of the way? I’m not sure if it’s a kindness to bring Angel back to this sort of destruction and treachery. He mourns the lives that he has taken. But two worlds? I don’t know if he will survive it.”

“You know what? He’ll have to try. I’m not having Angelus in this world a moment longer. Wesley you’ve been working on getting a fix on them?”

“Yes. We’ve been following his progress.”

Andrew had been obsessively tracking them and made his report.

“He reached the outskirts of L.A., stopped moving and then he disappeared. It happened only minutes ago.”

“Give me their last known co-ordinates.” Willow demanded and Andrew pointed out the small ‘x’ he’d made.

“That’s where they disappeared.”

Suddenly she was gone. The only sign of her leaving was the sonic boom that echoed through the skies like a physical outpouring of her anger.

She stepped out and found herself overlooking an empty pool. Her eyes narrowed , she could see the tell-tale sign of a portal at the base of the pool. Without another thought she jumped through.


Spike had recognised the hieroglyphics painted on the inside of the car.

“That’s why we couldn’t find you. Weird. I thought Wesley had tested for them.”

“Adapted from Lindsey not just a straight copy. He’d actually have to see them before he could counteract them.”

“Well I think someone has caught a glimpse of them then, Mate.”

Angelus glanced across and saw that the symbols were gradually melting away.

“They found the warehouse, I had them painted on the walls there. It changes nothing. We’re where we need to be.”

“Seems a bit suburb-ish for the home of a powerful demon.”

Angelus stopped the car and together they walked towards an empty and abandoned pool.

“Not very impressive, is it? It lacks atmosphere. Now Africa… with the heat and the drums, you just knew something momentous was gonna happen.”

They stood on the edge of the pool and both of them looked down.

“Ok. What we looking at?”

“It’s down there. We have to jump through.”

“Uh. Hold up. That looks like a concrete base to me…”

“Leap of faith, Spike.” Angelus called as he plunged through the air, his coat billowing out around him.

“Angelus!” Spike watched him disappear. “Oh bleedin hell.”

On those inspiring words he followed his sire down.

He landed heavily, stumbled and rolled. Muttering under his breath he got to his feet, brushed himself down and took stock of his surroundings.

Angelus was confronting a… butler. And wasn’t that frigging typical. He got Lurky, the creature that frightened the crap out of hell spawned demons and Angelus got a goddamned butler!

“You didn’t give me Darla. I completed the trials and you couldn’t complete your side of the bargain.”

“We gave you a son instead. You have been given a life in return and the bargain was complete”

“Oh come on, don't give me that crap! Connor? You know and I know that he was here because Jasmine wanted it. I never asked for a son, never wanted a son and certainly don’t see having one foisted on me as sealing the deal. You still owe me.”

“Foisted on you? Very p.c.”

“Shut up, Spike.”

“It took a great deal of power to raise a human son from two vampires. We consider our side was fulfilled and the whole matter dealt with.”

“Really? I’ll take this one to the judges themselves! Being denied the life I asked for and then trying to fob me off with that poor substitute is not acceptable. If your master wished to face the judges and lose his head that’s up to him.”

The butler’s face went blank for a second.

“Ah. My master takes your point, Sir. Perhaps there are some small points outstanding between us. So you wish to complete the bargain now?”

“Yes. I do. I wish….”

Suddenly Willow appeared in front of them, the shining Orb held out before her.

Angelus immediately realised what was happening.

“No! Don’t curse me, witch! There’s no need. Spike, stop her…”

“Why? What’s the panic? You said that Angel wanted to make his soul permanent? Even if she curses you, Angel can still make the same request.”

“No, you don’t understand! He wants you, Spike. But he won’t choose you. He’ll abandon you! He won’t ask for a permanent soul, which means he won’t allow you to stay. He won’t choose you!”

But Spike had blind faith in Angel.

“I trust him to do what’s right.” He said confidently.

“Spike! My Childe…”

Willow didn’t stop chanting and suddenly the globe went dark, a light flashed deep within the dark vampire’s eyes and a lingering scream echoed around the chamber as the demon was imprisoned again.

Angel looked around.

“What is your wish?” The butler intoned, as though nothing had occurred.

Spike stared at Willow and then back at Angel. He took in Angel’s confusion and quickly prompted him before the butler changed his mind again.

“Angelus was about to ask for the demon to coexist with the soul. Making the soul permanent, like mine.”

He gave a slight smile, welcoming Angel back.

Angel looked at him, frowned and blinked.

Spike dropped his head, as he understood that Angelus was right. Angel wouldn’t choose it. Wouldn’t choose him. Never had and never would.

“I’m sorry. Forgive me.”

“Angel…” Spike pleaded.

“You have to understand!”

“Understand? Sure, I understand completely. Oy? Jeeves? I want out.”

The butler waved a hand and Spike was standing next to the Viper. He took out a cigarette and conjured up another defensive screen.

“What is your wish, vampire?” The butler intoned again. “You want your soul returned and made permanent?”

“No. I want a life returned as though it had never been taken. The life I wish to have returned is the sorcerer of Chi’lustra, whose throat I cut.”

The butler nodded his head.

“It is done, the death never occurred and our business is complete. The master wishes that you leave now and do not return.”

Angel found himself standing next to Spike. He didn’t know what to say. He’d put to rights one of the wrongs that Angelus had done. He’d had no choice in the matter, couldn’t have lived with that destruction. But in front of him was the other wrong, the one Angelus had promised to fix and that he, Angel, had betrayed.



“I had no choice.”

“I understand. You saved the sorcerer, yeah?”

Angel nodded.

“So all the worlds have been set aright, you’re back and all’s well.”

Again Angel nodded.

“Where’s Red?”

“She left.”

Spike shrugged and ground out his cigarette.

“Ok then. Get in. I’ll drive us home.”

Angel did as he was told, his head bowed.

They travelled in silence.

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