Chapter 9

Goodbye to You

Spike drove through the familiar streets.

Almost home.

He glanced across at Angel, his dark head still bowed. He hadn’t moved throughout the journey, hadn’t said another word. Spike himself was all out of words. Nothing that either of them could say really. He swung the wheel and the headlights arced around, the bright beam moving across the high walls and illuminating the gates. Spike no longer had his key fob.

“Open up, luv.”

The dark haired vampire looked up and finally noticed where he was. He dug into a pocket and the gates opened, throwing wide welcoming arms as they once again entered its loving embrace.

They pulled up in front of the house. Spike got out, slouching towards the house, kicking his toes through the gravel as he walked, his mind preoccupied with other thoughts. He heard a noise behind him and looked back to see the dark figure slumped against the hood of the car.

Angel started as he felt hands moving against his face. Brown eyes were caught by blue and held.

“Hey. Don’t luv. S’ok, everything will be ok.” Spike trailed his fingers through the soft brown hair.

“I couldn’t do anything else, Spike.”

“Yeah. I know. I was being a pratt.” Spike sighed softly.

“No. You don’t know. How can you? I wanted to choose you. Wanted to just say; jeez, to hell with it all.”

“Angel, I know. I understand. I held a frigging stake to your heart and tried to push it in! I understand, yeah? Come on, let’s go inside.”

The two tired vampires made their way inside, each lost to their own broken thoughts.

“So what do we do now?” Spike asked helplessly as they lingered in the hallway.

“Sleep on it. We’ll discuss it in the morning.”

“Sleep? What together?”

“I guess. Why?”

“No reason.”

‘…just that last time I lay next to you I awoke to find you gone.’

Angel seemed to hear this unspoken addendum and sighed.

“I’m tired and can honestly say that I’m not going to be feeling perfectly happy anytime soon.”

“I get that.”

They made their way to bed in silence, laid next to each other in silence. Angel thought of everything Spike had endured and useless tears began to prickle behind his eyelids. He hated his large hands for the pain they’d inflicted. Hated his mouth for the words it had uttered.

“How can you stand to even look at me?” He whispered.

“Cus I love you. I bloody love you.” Spike whispered back, staring hard, trying not to blink for fear his eyelids sweeping down would cause a flood and he’d drown in it.

Angel heard the words and sensed the unshed tears. He wanted to pull Spike to him and whisper all those endearments he’d never shared with anyone before. Comfort him and tell him all would be well. Hold him so frigging close he’d melt into the very pores and become part of him. Yet despite Spike’s words, he couldn’t bring himself to believe his touch could be welcome, so he lay there and listened to the silence.

Spike wanted comfort but couldn’t bring himself to ask for what he needed. He lay there until extreme weariness finally overcame him.


He awoke with a jolt and turned around quickly, breathing out in relief when he saw the lump under the covers. The lump had eyes, which were watching him closely. Spike noticed the time and swung his legs out of bed preparing to rise. A hand snuck out from the covers and grabbed his wrist.

“Stay.” The lump not only had eyes, it also spoke.

“Just thought I’d better call in. They’ll know we’re back. They’ll be worried.”

“I’ve phoned in. Said we needed time.”

“I’m ok.”

“You slept badly.”

“Did I?”


“You’ve watched me all night?”

“Tried to, but my eyes closed in the end.”


Spike smiled and reached out to cuff him gently, it became more of a caress and he left the back of his hand resting against the cool cheek. Angel closed his eyes to savour the touch. Now it was Spike’s turn to watch. Even when the eyes were shut and he couldn’t see the soul shining out, he felt he’d still know this was Angel.

“What did you wanna do, I mean if we’re not throwing ourselves back into the maelstrom of life.”

“I thought a few hours peace. Feels like we’ve hit the eye of the storm at the moment, just want to enjoy it for a while.”

He tentatively slid his fingers down from the wrist to the pale hand. Spike watched him and gave a half smile, swinging his legs back under the covers and nestling back into his pillows, enjoying the way Angel playfully touched his fingers. It made his want to touch back, but he was uncertain of how things were between them and instead sighed and took refuge in a deluge of words.

“I can’t believe I’m lying in bed and holding hands. It’s poofy. It’s unnatural and far too sweet, maybe even verging on icky.”

Angel smiled and teased him gently. “Like chocolate?”

“Yeah. No. I mean chocolate is…”

“Bad for your teeth?”

“Whereas this is just bad for my image.”

“And who do you think is gonna see you?”

“You never know, those bloody slayers probably have cameras down here.”

“Yeah? Interesting. Wish we could give them something more entertaining to watch.”

“Angel!” Spike’s eyes widened in shock.

“What? You’re always saying things like that.”

“Yeah, but it’s normal for me to think like that.”

“Just cus I don’t say it doesn’t mean I’m not thinking it.”

“Well, I’m just downright shocked!”

“One day I’ll get this damned curse sorted out and then I’ll shock you.”

“Yeah? Do a Richard Gere and come sweep me of my feet?”


“To think you used to worry that people would think you were gay.”

“Do you really think it bothered me?”

“You were kidding?”

Angel laid back and studied the ceiling, whilst still maintaining contact through their hands.

“Just a way to keep from admitting anything. Keeping it light so I didn’t have to pine way for something I could never have.”

“Oh. It’s sorta hard to believe, you wanting me… you choosing me. It’s always been Darla, Dru or Buffy.”

“Yet through it all you were there like my guilty little secret.” He saw Spike’s face. “Hey, no. That’s not how I saw you. I meant…”

“Don’t stress it, Peaches, yeah?”

Spike looked coolly indifferent but Angel would never forget the look that had first been on his face and realised that Spike bore older scars than he’d ever realised. And eventually he would remove every single one of them. All the effort that Angelus put into breaking him would be nothing to the effort Angel would use to make him whole.

“There’s no hiding anymore. If ever I do get a permanent soul I’ll announce you to the world. I’ll take time off work, cut the telephone lines, lock the doors and not let you out of this bed for a week. I’ll make up a hundredfold for each pain I gave you.”

Spike felt a sudden heat sweep over his body and he wasn’t sure if he was growling or purring.

“You’re being very vocal for a taciturn vampire.” He finally said.

Angel saw the way his blue eyes peeped out from under a veil of lashes and was moved by his exquisite shyness.

“You know what? To hell with taciturn.” Angel rolled on to his side, their bodies almost touching. “Time’s short, Spike and I want you to be in doubt, no doubt at all, how I feel about you. You told Angelus that you thought I might love you. Did you ever doubt it? If you did I want to make sure you never doubt it again. It crept up on me, almost without me noticing, but here it is and it’s not going anywhere. I love you. I’m in love with you, I want you, I need you and when I look at you I never want to look away.”

Spike tried to moisten his dry lips, as though the burning heat within had left him parched. Angel watched his pink, catlike tongue with a curiously hungry look.

“Uh… maybe if I’m really bad, I can make you unhappy?” He asked hopefully. “And then we can stay together.”

“There’s nothing you can do that would make me unhappy.”

Spike thought about it for a while.

“Supposing I whore around a bit.”

“Then I’d have the pleasure of killing everyone who touched you.”

“Hope you’re joking, Peaches. If I can’t have you, I mean, you know, well I can’t be celibate either. That really is unnatural.”

“I guess I was kidding. I know it’s nothing, just a way of passing time. I guess I’d do the same.”


“Now what?”

He studied the forlorn eyes. Sometimes he could look so lost and vulnerable.

“If you did that, you might find someone you liked more than me.”

“I suppose I might.” Angel replied thoughtfully, as he entwined their fingers together. “That was Angelus’ plan for a while.”

“Those men that looked like me?”

“Yeah. None of them were good enough for him. Hell, they never even came close. Then when he thought you were fading from this world he went to find a soul because he wanted to keep you.”

“Bollocks. He did it because he was out of options and he didn’t wanna be contained again.”

“I’ve sort of got him inside me, Spike. He made the choice, a piece of this body and the whole of you or the whole of this body and you gone forever.”

“He’s trapped again, isn’t he? He bloody hated it. I think he’d rather be dead.”

“You’re sorry for him, after all he did?”

“I know I shouldn’t be but…”

“You love him.”

No reply and Angel’s eyes darkened with anger and confusion.

“How can you? Do you enjoy being hurt? Do you like being used? I’ve heard of having sympathy for the devil but this… Jesus, just tell me why!”

“You wanna know why? He’s you, Angel. His character, his traits. You wear a soul or you wear a demon but underneath it’s all just you.”

Angel’s anger suddenly left and he felt deflated.

“Its true isn’t it? I mean, it’s hard for me to see. He’s caged again and subdued at the moment but I hold him inside and he is something separate. But in a way he belongs here even more than I do. I’m not whole. You were right; it’s amazing that I’m as sane as I am.”

“You’re doing well, Pet.”

“Anyway, all I was trying to say is that the reason he wanted a soul was for you because in his own twisted and evil way he cared for you. You know the choice he made. And I tell you; I love you more than that demon ever could. So what do you think? Am I gonna find someone to replace you?”

Spike looked down again with that curious bashfulness and Angel realised that he wasn’t used to hearing words of love.

“I guess it would be ok, you know… if you found someone to shag occasionally. Not exactly happy about it.”

“Not exactly making plans here.”

“When do you want me to go?”

“Hey? You don’t have to be the one to leave. I can move out...”

“Nah. Why should you? This was your city long before I ever turned up here. Your city, your friends. Whereas me? I’m kinda rootless. If I’m not with you then it don’t really matter where I am cus it won’t be home.”

“We’ll stay in touch.”

“I ‘spect I’ll still be getting visions, so I’ll have to call you or something. Do you know how to chat on the internet?”

“I’ll learn.”

“Get Fred to set you up with a webcam, then I’ll be able to see you every day.”

“You get one too?”


“Where do you think you’ll go?”

“Ain’t thought about it yet.”

“Maybe we could give it a try here first?”



Spike was gazing at him and there was no shyness left in those eyes. As inexperienced as he was at receiving love, there was nothing anyone could teach him about giving it.

“When I look at you, all I want to do is touch.”

“Uhh, yeah.?” He cleared his throat, nervous under that steady gaze.


A cool hand reached out. A nail dragged gently over his bicep and the touch sparked electricity through his body. Everything else faded away and all he could feel was that molten touch, all he could hear was the slight whisper of nail on skin. Everything in him yearned towards that point of contact. His skin, his blood, his very being, started and ended at the point of a stubby nail. He half closed his eyes and watched the pale hand, willing it to spread over his flesh. Take it. Own it.

“Spike.” He breathed.

“You feel so smooth. Your skin feels like satin to my touch, I could spend the whole day just stroking your skin.”

Spike’s voice was like sand, borne on the heat of the desert wind. It blasted through his body and left him raw.

Lips moved to his shoulder and zephyr like, unneeded breath caressed his skin.

“Spike.” The word was a low moan, almost not a word at all.

“God, Peaches. When you say my name like that I can’t bloody help myself.”

The words were mumbled into his shoulder, sending small vibrations through him and as the sentence ended, Spike moved over his shoulder and his chest with open mouthed kisses, tonguing his skin, taking in the scent and taste of his sire. His hand fanned out over where the beating heart should rest, Angel felt as though he was reaching inside and curling his hand around it, like a surgeon massaging it back to flickering life.

He was lost in a boneless sprawl. He felt warm and human and vulnerable. Butterflies were fluttering crazily inside and internal muscles twitched and clenched in sympathy. He could feel the tickle of sweeping lashes as Spike blinked against flesh sensitised to every touch. He was breathing as though he needed it and all he could smell was Spike. Smoke that caught and tangled in his hair, sweet skin, Aurelius blood that called to him like home, overlaid with the hot scent of sex, warming him, melting him to he bone. Compliant and pliable, his body was clay and it was being moulded and shaped to Spike’s desires. For so long Angel had existed on so little and this overwhelmed him, he was shaking to each touch, each breath and yet still he wanted more, his flesh cried out for more sensations. More touch, more scents, more tastes, more sounds. More Spike.

The questing mouth moved to a hardened, ready nipple and the first touch of his tongue caused Angel to throw his head back as sensation zinged through his body, curling his toes, hardening his body, making his heart jerk with life.

“Is it good, luv?” Spike smiled up at him

“It’s… You’re…” He looked tenderly at his childe. “You’re beautiful.”

Spike moved across his chest and hovered over his other nipple. Angel tensed awaiting that electric touch, the stab of desire that flared and pulsed though him as nerve ending buzzed against nerve ending, until his whole body was alive and sparking.

“Don’t stop… touch me. Please…”

“Are you happy?”

Angel took his hand and brought it to his lips and sadly he nodded.

“Yeah. You make me feel special. You kinda make me feel beautiful.”

Spike laughed.

“Beautiful? I’m trying to show you that you’re bloody gorgeous!”

“You’re showing me that we can’t even try, aren’t you? I’m with you. I’m happy. That’s all there is to it and I’m sorry. So sorry.”

“Don’t be. Knowing I make you this happy kinda makes it easier… to leave.”

“Not yet though.”

“How long can we live like this?”

“You’ve been through too much. You’re not going until you’re recovered.”

“You know me, Peaches, I always bounce back.”

“We need to talk.”

Spike sat back again.

“Go on then, Pet. You start.”

“I… Angelus said a lot of things to hurt you. Lies and part truths. He looked inside my memories and a found a hundred years of angst, dark, worming questions about why I fight and why I should even bother to try to keep my integrity when I fight.”

“Did you find answers then?”

“Yes. I faced the questions and I answered them.”

“That’s ok then.”

Angel’s brow gave a few confused wrinkle.

“It is? I mean how… why?”

“I trust you, Peaches. If you tell me there are logical answers to these things, I believe you and if ever I face Angelus again, his arguments will mean nothing, water of a duck’s back. It’s enough that you tell me its right, so nothing will sway me from thinking otherwise. Every time he puts his arguments forward I can laugh in his face and tell him I believe what I do cus Angel knows that it’s right.”

Angel looked at him and slowly began to laugh.

“Have I told you that I love you?”

“No. Tell me again.”

“I love you, Childe. And if ever Angelus does reappear you’ll drive him insane with those answers. But one day promise me you will sit down and think about these things, about right and wrong and everything in between. It’s not something that can be taught but rather something that one day suddenly clicks into place for you, it’s important that you know these things for yourself.”

“Just not now eh? Too much philosophy does my head in. So anything else we need to talk about.”

“Your son.”

“Yeah? Nothing much to say, really.”

“Spike! You have a child and it’s a miracle!”

“And I’m trying to say that I don’t care. Told you. It’s nothing to do with me. I never asked for it.”

“I sort of thought that was just a line for Angelus. How can it not move you? It was Buffy’s gift…”

“You know what? She had no right to do that. She had no right, Angel!”

Angel looked in astonishment at Spike’s anger and distress.

“What’s the matter?” He wished he could use endearments like Spike always did. He felt strange even thinking of using pet names but he so wanted something more tender than Spike or Childe. “Hey? Spike…? What’s wrong?”

Spike turned away so that all Angel could see was his pale back and bowed head.

“I almost hate her for that. How could she? I could have coped, I could have managed and then he came up with the sodding baby! I didn’t believe it. Didn’t think she’d do something like that without asking, without even mentioning it!”

“She didn’t mean…”

“Somehow I’d have found a way but suddenly there was no time. He had her baby in his hands and I staked him. I staked you. Thought I’d killed you. I thought I’d bloody killed you, Angel, and I hate them both for it.”

His shoulders were shaking and Angel found himself blinking back tears of sympathy. All that time he’d held together, been so strong and now he cried. He moved behind and pulled him back to his chest, letting lips nuzzle into his hair, whilst his hand moved soothingly over silky skin.

“Spike. Baby. Sweetheart. It’s ok. You had to do it and I’m proud, so proud of you. No one’s fault. Not yours, not hers and not the baby’s. She was trying to do something good for you and one day you’ll realise how good it can be.”

“So hard, keeping my mind blank so that I could do it. Then I shoved it towards your heart and I didn’t know if it was me or the stake that lay shattered on that floor.”

“You’re a champion, and I know it’s not easy but you did what needed doing and I am so damned proud of you.”

“Don’t be. I would have killed you and whenever I think about it I want vomit up my guts or curl up and die.”

“It’ll pass, my love. Promise you it will.”

“I wish I could stay, you make sense of everything.”

“Don’t you know you’re the strong one? You take the knocks, square your shoulders, stand tall and howl at the world. You’d challenge the devil himself, if that’s what it took.”

“Sometimes I get afraid that I’ll wake up too tired to even try.”

“Believe me, love.” He kissed Spike’s hair and drew in the smoky halo that surrounded him. “You don’t know how to give up, well not for more than a few minutes. It pisses you off so much that someone should get the better of you that you can’t help getting up and challenging the world again.”



“Call me ‘Love’ again? Call me Sweetheart. Call me Baby.”

“Did I say those things?” Angel frowned.

“Yeah. Say them again.”

“Anything you want, Baby.”


They met up with everyone the following day. It felt surreal. Their friends walked on glass attempting to act normally, yet still ended up being touchy and fragile. Sentences that halted in the middle as they accidentally touched on something painful Sympathetic and pitying with Spike, awkward and sympathetic to Angel.

“Good to have you back, Angel man. I’m sorry, it must be hard for you, considering the things you’ve… good to have you back.” Gunn quickly plastered a smile over his face and Wesley moved up to support him.

“It all turned out in the end, considering…” Then he too stopped as he thought of all the people Angel had killed or turned. That was without taking into account what he’d done to Spike.

“And Spike.” Gunn continued regardless. “You survived.”

“That’s me. I’m a survivor.” Spike agreed.

Fred handled it the best giving them both a heartfelt hug and then chatting about the things they’d done to try to find them, yet even this was filled with self-recriminations. Pleased to have them back, but guilty that they themselves achieved so little. Spike had freed himself and Angel had the ingenuity to save the worlds. So they congratulated Angel and asked Spike almost continuously how we was, until the vampires could stand it no more and slipped away into the night.

“Do me a favour, please?” Angel pleaded. “Have a vision and get everyone working again. I can’t take much more.”

“I know what you mean. I’m almost glad I’m leaving. The next person to ask me how I’m doing… you’re the fount of morality, would I be allowed to bite them?”

Angel gave it some serious thought.

“I think in certain situations a small nip could be allowed.”

“Oh. So best not to tear their throats out then?”

“We’ll see. If Wesley says one more time…”

Spike smiled at him.

“You’ve changed, Peaches. I mean you were always kinda funny but now…”

“You found me funny?”

“Well, duh!”

“I always thought no one got my humour. Every time I cracked a joke they’d all reach for the stakes and holy water.”

“Shame on them. What’s life if you can’t take the piss out of it occasionally?”

“Guess they had their reasons. I wasn’t exactly happy when I came to L.A. the only time they saw me smile was when I became Angelus.”

“Ok, s’pose they had their reasons to be a bit twitchy then.”

“Why were you never afraid of him?”

“Wouldn’t give him the bloody satisfaction.”

Angel smiled at the explanation.

“He respected that.”


They were silent for a while and Spike struck up a match and lit a cigarette.

“Buffy’s recovered and they’re letting her out of hospital tomorrow. She’s coming here to see us. To see you.”

“So she’s well?”

“Slayer recovery, I guess. She wants you to meet your son properly.”

“Look I’ve got stuff to do. Meet you later, yeah?”

Angel felt worried but if Spike needed space and time to prepare, who was he to object?


The phone rang.

“Your wish has come true. Vision. Just off Hollywood Boulevard. There’s a shop, black and white slatted blinds, two vamps gonna bite into a girl.”

“Ok. I’ll meet you there?”

“I’m kinda knackered. Only two of them, you, Wes and Gunn can handle it, yeah?”

Angel smiled at Spike actually admitting to being tired.

“No problem. See you later.”

“Yeah. Goodbye, Peaches.”

Everyone was relieved to be out working, it cleared the air and gave them a more normal topic of conversation. But Angel was uneasy without being able to say why. He was about to drive across to find the girl, when something struck him.

“Can you two handle a couple of vamps do you think?”

“Probably. Why what is it Angel?”

“Something else has come up and I have to go.”

“Well…” Wesley saw his face and nodded. “We’ll be in touch.”

Angel drove up to the house and found Spike standing in the hallway.


“Half thought you might turn up.”

“It was the ‘goodbye’. You couldn’t leave without saying goodbye.”

Spike nodded.

“I’ve decided where I’m going.”


“Back to England.”

England? But why? I mean, America is a big place, you could move somewhere in America.”

“Cus I want to be somewhere familiar. I understand English people and they get me. Every time you drop a sarky comment here their faces drop like bleedin’ kicked puppies. In England they know how to take it and give it, they’re quicker, tougher, wittier.”

“But… it’s so far away.”

“I just need to be somewhere, where I’m not something strange. Where I’m accepted.”

“You’re accepted here!”

“When you were gone Wesley acted like I was you, Gunn tolerated me, Fred… well she’s Fred and I love her, and she’s the exception that proves the rule. And the general rule is they don’t really accept me.”

“I do.”

“Yeah, you do. But I can’t be with you.”

“So you’re going back to England where people ‘get’ you?”

“You don’t understand because you fit in here. You look like an ex-jock and everyone you meet loves you. Buffy, Cordelia, Fred, Wesley, even Gunn warmed to you.”

“People have loved you too.”

“No. They want me. That’s something else entirely.”

Angel sighed. Spike was wrong.

“If you want love, you’re running in the wrong direction. Your son would love you with an open hearted innocence.”

Spike looked down and said nothing. Angel had a dawning understanding.

“You’re not mourning because nobody loves you, are you? You’re running away in case they do. In case you begin loving back.”

“If you love people you give them a weapon to hurt you with. You give enemies a sword to use against you.”

“So you’ll runaway, cut yourself off?” Angel asked and grieved because this was a new scar, Spike had never been afraid to love before. He didn’t have the heart to pursue it further. It was he who had done this to his loving childe, made him fear to get attached or to get involved.

“Whereabouts in England are you heading for?”

“Back to London. Still got the house that I had when I was human. It’s been on short lets. Current one coming to an end, at least it’s a bit familiar.”

“You’ll be happy there?” Angel asked but knew it didn’t matter. All Spike wanted was an anonymous city, where he could live without connection and without love.

“Happier than anywhere else I can think of.”

“When are you going?”

“Got my bag all packed.”

“What your jeans, black tee and red shirt?”

“Yep. It took me hours.”

“You want me to drive you?”

“Nah. I’ll grab a taxi. Go back to your friends. I’ll call.”


They leant their foreheads together and stayed that way for a minute until Angel drew him into a hug.

There was nothing of sire and childe in the touch. No yearning for blood or the sharp pain of the bite. They’d had enough of both. It was just two people in love, enjoying the closeness, savouring the touch and the scents, committing them to memory to be brought alive during lonelier times, when fate had dragged them apart again.

“I knew the road wouldn’t be easy but I thought you’d be by my side.”

“Yeah. Me too.”

“It’s ok. It’s enough to know you’re somewhere in this world.”

Spike stepped out of his arms and Angel trailed a thumb along his cheek, looking for the last time into over bright eyes.

“Can’t stand long goodbyes. I’ll call, yeah?”


He walked away, bag over his shoulder, coat flowing around him, striding confidently into the night. Angel watched long after he’d disappeared from sight, the departing figure branded in his eyes.

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