Han Solo was orphaned just after he was born.  He was born on Corellia and was about 2 years old when Garris Shrike "found" him and "adopted" he and took him to his ship, the Traders Luck.  When Han was on the Traders Luck he was trained and forced to go out to the streets on the planet that they were in orbit of and to pick pocket for a few hours then he could do what he wanted.  He was trained by a droid named (?????) and turned out to be a good pick-pocketer.  He had only one friend on the entire Traders Luck: Dewlannamapia or for short, Dewlanna.  She was a female Wookie who had come aboard the Traders Luck with her husband but he died and she decided to stay.  Dewlanna raised Han and Garis Shrike killed he when he WAS going to kill Han for doing something bad but Dewlanna was protecting him but Han told he to stop but she was shot by Shrike who later died.  Later on Han ran away from the Traders Luck and became a smuggler for the Ylesian peists.  On Ylesia there were spice mines.  The spice found there was Gliterstim and lots of it! Han met Bria Tharen there and decided he needed to rescue her.  Soon he found out the the "exultation" was a complete fake.  Ylesia was a place were people who wanted to be pilgrams went to become pilgrams.  They were treated horribly though.  They were not fed enough and were made to work for long long hours in the spice mines.  Han soon convinced Bria that the exultation was a fake and she escaped with him.  They went to courascant and Bria left to get over her adiction to the exultation alone, but she left him some money from her rich father to pay for his way throught the Imperial Acedemy.  He made his way through and then when he was finished he seen a friend about to use a force pike on a wookie so he stoped him and that ended his career with the imperials.  The Wookie turned out to be Chewbacca, but Han really didnt want anyone tagging along with him so he told him to leave many times but Chewbacca remained firm that he was going to serve his life debt to Han Solo!!  Later Chewbacca saved Han and that started their partnership.  They had some trouble with bounty hunters because right after they became parteners they were seen by Varatil, a Ylesia priest, and so the bount on Hans head was increased.  Chewie saved Hans life many times but it was Lando Calrissian who saved Han from Boba Fett.  Then Han taught Lando how to pilot.  When Han first seen the Millenium Falcon, it was Landos ship and Han had to teach Lando how to pilot it.  Han immediatly fell in love with it and wanted it very badly.  At the time Han was living on Nar Shadda and he later bought the Bria from Lando, but that ship was destroyed.  Han fought in the Battle of Nar Shadda and then got 10,000 credits to go to the big Sabacc game in Cloud City.  He on the Falcon from Lando and lots of money there and was very excited.  The first port of call for the Falcon was Kashyyyk.  Chewies home planet and then they went everywhere.  The Falcon was "heavly modified" by Han, Jarik, and Chewie and soon could make .5 past light speed. Soon Jarik died and so did Bria, after Han got in touch with her again.  But the offer that she made Han got him into trouble with his smuggler friends.  He continued to smuggle for Jabba the Hutt and was forced to dump 1 of his loads, loseing it and gettin Jabba mad.  Jabba was going to make Han pay for it but Han got the job of taking Luke Skywalker and Obi-wan(ben) Kenobi to Alderaan, where they found the Death Star and rescued Princess Leia.Han fought in the battle on Hoth, Yavin and Endor, and married Leia after Leia and Luke found out that they were sister and brother.  Han and Leia had 3 kids: Jacen, Jaina, and Anakin, who were all force sensitive.
sorry i dont have anymore time right now but ill be done soon so check back later!! thanx
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hey this is a page all bout han solo! and if ur a fan of han solo ull like this page when im done so stick around! thanx!