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Chapter 2 Section 1 “A Changing World’
· 1271 Marco Polo travels from Venice (Italy) Across Asia to China
· 17 years old, with father and uncle (Merchants)
· 3 years – Crossed almost 7,000 miles Mountains and Deserts
· Kublai Khan- Mongol emperor of China 
· 17 years working for the Khan and learned much about China’s advanced culture
· Returned to Venice in 1295, he wrote a book about china and his adventures called Travels
· He described Asia as an exotic land with exotic people Great Riches and splendid cities
· Hangzhon- “ greatest city in the world” “so many pleasures”
· 200 years later- Columbus set sail from Spain to find the golden roofs of Cipangu (Japan) Polo had described, but never seen.

Growing Interests
· Little was known about India, China, or the rest of Asia
· Western Hemisphere?
· After Marco Polo, people became interested

Growth of Trade
· Merchants could make a fortune selling goods from the Orient.
· Wealthy Europeans wanted cinnamon, pepper, and cloves. And other spices, perfumes, silks, and precious stones supply demand price

The Growth of Ideas
· Development of banking and expansion of trade with Asia
· Interests in classical works – Ancient Greek and Roman
· Translated these works from Greek to English, Spanish, and Italian.
· Renaissance –period do intellectual and artistic creativity
· “Rebirth” – recovery of classical Greek and Roman learning
· 2 centuries spread as far west as Spain North of Europe
· Pursue new idea and formed new goals
· Powerful nations Emerge population in western Europe
·  Foreign trade cut out the middle man straight with China
· Europe was patchwork of small states
· National Laws, Courts, Taxes, National Army increased trade
Advanced in Technology
· Technology- the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes
· Astrolabe- instrument that measured the Position of stars
Better Ships 
· Stern rudder and the triangular sailed enabled ships to sail into the wind
· 1400’s Portuguese developed the three –mastered Caravel –sailed faster, navigated shallow harbors better and carried more cargo and food supplies
Spanish in America

Conquistadors- were Spanish explorers in North and South America who received grants (large sum of money) from Spanish rulers. They did this for God, Gold, and Glory.
After Hernan Cortes landed in Mexico in 1519, he soon learned of the Aztec Kingdom and its riches.  With the help of Dona Marina, a Translator, Cortes formed and alliance with surrounding cities that were paying tributes to the Aztecs because they had been conquered. A Tribute is a forced giving of goods that a conquered state must give its enemy. After being thrown out to Tenochtitlan once for killing the emperor Montezuma, Cortes waited for more troops and later destroyed the city and killed many of its inhabitants.
-In 1532 Francisco Pizarro captured the Inca ruler, Athaualpa, and killed the majority of his army.
-Reasons for Spain’s success,
-Guns, swords, canons, horses, and dogs
-Diseases such as smallpox that wiped out entire villages
-Spain in North America
-Juan Ponce de Leon was the first Spaniard to land in North America he looked for the fountain of youth, which he never found, but he did establish a fort at St. Augustine.

-Conquistador Panfilo de Narvaez and his group were sailing on the East coast when they wrecked in a storm. Only a few survived, Alvar Nunez Cabeza de Vaca was one of the survivors that blended with the Natives until he made a 1000-mile journey to Mexico where he told stories of cities with streets made of gold.
-Those stories inspired Hernando De Soto to set out across Florida and America in search of riches. He crossed the Mississippi river in 1541, after going as far west as present day Oklahoma. De Soto died of fever.
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