<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/stoned_catlover03/meow.wav">
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My Bio.. 'So you want to really know me?'
  Alright.. so you really want to get to know the real me? Well TOO BAD because you can't. (lol) just kidding. But really... are you sure you want to know more about me?!?!? I mean do you really want to know and some-what understand this missunderstood and weird someone as myself? Hey all I can say is BE READY!!!! I am very very weird and not smart by any means... yes I am very short, but I do stupid and crazy things so be ready for future events....

   Well, for starters y'all know I'm Manda. But the real question is... where in the world did I get the name of StonedCatLover03... you may just say I am weird, or.. you could understand that I have a stoned cat, which therefore makes me the Stoned cat lover... and the 03 is for the year this was created... now do you get it?? See, I am really not all that weird... ok maybe I am but hey, I have the next 4 paragraphs to convince you otherwise, right? (lol)

   Ok well now lets get a little more on the serious side of things....
I happen to have a few close friends, and of course my good-friend Karla,lol. I have 3 cats, 1 dog, 2 parakeets and fish, nothing too out of the ordinary there. And a little more info on the people/pets named above^^^....
When it comes to my friends... I'd have to say Brandee, Jen, and Karla & Jesse are my closest (no offence meant to anyone by that). My animals names are Kiwi, DuPont, Susie, Nikki, Whiskers, Fat Lee-Lee, and well... my fish don't really have names... I just call them what I want whenever I want. And my kitty Nikki goes by the nic-name of "Pickle".. don't ask about that one, it is messed up, but I don't care (lol).

Y'all might know me as Mandi, which is my real name believe it or not, lol, or Lee-Lee, whichever. Yes, you all know me as Lee-Lee on Yahoo PB help, yes that is me that has the Yahoo! PDI and I have the forums for open help topic on the listed page.

My Crush? Well...he knows and I know and he's mine! SO HA!!! Y'all know I am obsessed with the EVO..anything else you wanna know about me is on my aol profile and subprofile..have fun!!
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Click here to check out links to my friends pages and other shit they wanted on here! LoL, just playin with ya.. but really, click here to check out my friends crap!!! ~*~*~Mandi