Updated on Feb 10th /01



All products and or logos mentioned on this site are registered trademarks of their respective companies. The companies that are mentioned on this site are: KAY and MUSKOKA Worldwide.

Stop and Shop Sports Inc. is not an authorized dealer for the following companies: BAUER, BRIANS, BROWN, CCM, D&R, EAGLE, EASTON, FERLAND, GRAF, HEATON, ITECH, JOFA, KAY, KOHO, LOUISVILLE, MISSION, TACKLA, VAUGHN, VIC and WILSON

Stop and Shop Sports Inc. is an authorized dealer with Muskoka Worldwide Inc.

Stop and Shop Sports Inc. would like to thank Kay Hockey for their permission in displaying their pictures.

All protective equipment has a warranty of 90 days against manufacture defects.

Skate blades and goal cowling has 1 yr warranty.

Helmets vary between manufactures. i.e. date of manufactured

All links that are provided on this website have no affiliation with this company (Stop and Shop Sports Inc.).

All images on this site are considered to be in the public domain, but please contact me in case of any legal difficulties! marc@stopandshopsports.com

If you have any questions, please contact me via email: marc@stopandshopsports.com

Stop And Shop Sports Inc. is located at http://www.stopandshopsports.com


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