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"Candle InThe Wind"

Living With A Step Dad
And Step Brother

I am a 30 year old female and here is my story of what happened to me.

Well when me and my 2 sisters were tiny little girls my mom and my real dad got a divorce. And maybe like 6 months later my mom met this man and his son, and my mom married that man. And so he became our step dad and step brother.

Well this is what I remember of the rape. It was winter time I was like 8 or 9 years old, I dont know where my 2 sisters were, but I remember my mom and my ex step brother walking to the store and my ex step dad raped me while they were gone next thing I remember is sitting on the bathroom floor in a big puddle of blood.And when my mom and ex step brother got home my mom came in the bathroom and saw me there she didnt do anything about it, she was too scared of my ex-step dad. In stead of calling the police, my mom stayed married to him for 7 horrible years. He used to move us around alot and we used to have to start new schools all the time. He continued having sex with me all the time they stayed married. Even my ex step brother had sex with me as well.

I remember my ex step dad moved us to this farm, and there were no house there or nothing, and my ex step dad bought this trailor that you hitch onto the back of a truck a 1 room thing. It didnt have any electric or water or anything. We had to go to school without having a bath, without clean clothes, he used to beat on me and my 2 sisters and my mom all the time. We were so scared of him. One day me and my 2 sisters were on our top bunk and I guess he thought I looked at him funny or something he came over to me and punched me in my belly as hard as he could, I passed out, my mom says my face turned black, I almost died. Also I remember being outside on our farm, I dont remeber why or what happened, but I remember my ex step dad picking me up over his head and throwing me on the ground.We used to have to actually work hard on that farm, I had to chop trees down with a ax.

Finally, I remember my ex step dad asking all of us if we wanted them to get a divorce, this was like the 7th year they were married so I was tired of him and his son, so something inside of me made me brave (I think it was God). I remember saying I want ya'll to get a divorce. So the next day we all went downtown and in a lawyers office and they started the divorce. And after the divorce was final he moved me and my 2 sisters and my mom too the city and so it was just me and my 2 sisters and my mom living together finally.

We were finally happy. So there you go thats my story.

If you would like to email me and talk about your story, I'd be glad to listen my email address is

I would also like to add this, If you are getting abused, you need to please tell someone, so you can get the help that you need, so that you can get out of this abuse. There are lots of people you can go too, a teacher at school, a family member that you trust So please take it from me, tell someone, and do it as fast as you can. I dont want anyone to go through what me and my 2 sisters and my mom went through.

Thanks for reading my story.


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