Chapter Six
“It’s like dominoes.” Irene shifted on her chair.

“What?” Meredith turned her head to stare at her sister.

“That’s what they’re saying on the chat groups. You started this domino effect by hooking up with AJ then introducing Kevin to me. It was the beginning of the end.”

The older woman shook her head, turning back to watch the rehearsal. She didn’t really have a part in the festivities, but Howie and Lumien had invited them to hang out and come to dinner. Serenity wasn’t paying any attention to the minister, making faces at John as he tried to remain solemn for his role as best man. Brian was trying to hide his chuckles.

“Nick going to make it?”

That question got her attention, and she turned back to Irene. “Said they would be home. I think Lumien would shoot him if he didn’t.”

That set the other woman chuckling. The rehearsal finally ended, much to everyone’s relief, and they climbed onto trams to head over to Epcot for dinner. Their group took over most of Mexico, with wine flowing freely. The stories got louder and wilder as the night progressed, until Howie finally called a halt to avoid further embarrassment. They walked out of the restaurant, heading back to the parking lot to head home and prepare for bachelor/bachelorette parties the next evening.

Howie leaned against the Land Expedition as AJ and Meredith waited inside. Lumien stared at him.

“Just remember, I carry a gun.”

He grinned at her. “Just remember, I know how to use one, too.”

They both chuckled, almost afraid of what had been planned for their final nights as single people. The couple shared a deep kiss before a horn honk scared them apart. Howie slapped the window of the SUV.

“So, I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” He leaned in and nipped at her lip.

“You better.” She brushed her fingers along his fly, grinning as he flinched.

After a quick brush of her lips against his, she climbed into the back seat. He stood and watched the vehicle drive away before climbing into the car with his brother and heading to his parents’ house.

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Howie looked at the men surrounding him in the foyer of his house and sighed. He knew there was no way he was escaping the “fun” that had been planned, so he hoped Lumien would be forgiving. AJ just grinned when he mentioned it.

They escorted him out to the limousine, climbing into the back and getting close with each other.

“Couldn’t you have rented two limos? It’s not like money’s an issue.” Howie squirmed as he tried to get settled between AJ and Ramos.

“This is more fun!” The bigger man just grinned.

When he stepped out of the cramped backseat, he groaned. The Diamond Club was well known for its employees, and Howie really, really hoped that Lumien would be in a forgiving mood when she heard.

“C’mon, bro. It’s all good.” AJ wrapped an arm around his friend’s neck and pulled him inside.

An hour later, he was leaning against the bar with Lance, Kevin, Nick, AJ, and Brian.

“Why are we here?” He looked at the other men.

Kevin motioned towards the stage where JC, Justin, Chris, Joey, Leary, Ramos, Marcus, and *N Sync’s security were placing bills in the g-strings of pretty young women. “You’ll have to ask them.”

“I think we would have had a better time at the IHOP.” He took another gulp of his beer.

A young woman sashayed up to him, drawn by the sash around him that proclaimed his bachelor status.

“Hey. Can I interest you in a little fun?”

Howie shook his head and handed her a twenty-dollar bill. “No, thanks.”

She slid the money into the string across her hip and leaned against the bar. “Are you sure? She’ll never know.”

Every man standing there tried to hold in his laughter. She looked at them before turning back to Howie, confusion marring the carefully made up features.

“My fiancée would know, and then she’d get medieval on my ass. I think I’ll pass.”

Shrugging, she turned away and walked off. Stopping after a few feet and looking over her shoulder, she arched an eyebrow. “I’ll be over there if you change your mind.”

Howie nodded and turned back to his friends. “I ask again, why are we here?”

Nick sighed. “You know, it’s not as if I can’t appreciate them, I’m just not real interested in doing anything that’s gonna piss Allyson off. I mean, I’m sure they cooked something up for Lu, but having to explain any lipstick marks or strange perfume would just be bad.”

“Amen.” Brian lifted his beer bottle and saluted his friend’s reasoning.

They continued to watch their friends shove money into the barely tied g-strings of the women on stage.

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Lumien stared at the crotch being thrust into her face. Meredith, having a good view of her friend, worried about the stripper’s future chances at having children. He finally moved on to another guest. The bride-to-be stood up and headed for the bar set up in the corner of the room and asked for a glass of whiskey.

“Just what I thought.” Serenity stood next to her friend and smiled before ordering a beer.

“And whose idea was this again?”

“Angie’s. She heard about a stripper who looked like Howie, and she thought it would be funny.”

“He ain’t nothing like Howie.” Lumien finished tossing back her drink and turned to watch the man make his way through the guests.

“So, this is where the party’s at.” Allyson slipped up behind the two women, leaning against the bar.

“I think we coulda headed down to Jake’s, racked up a few games of pool, and had a better time.” Lumien blew the ribbon tendrils out of her face. She pushed the handmade headdress out of the way. “And when can I take this damn thing off?”

“I think you’re supposed to leave it on until after you cut the cake.” Meredith grinned at the young woman.

“Why the hell didn’t we elope?”

“You didn’t want to disappoint Mama D.” The redhead accepted a glass of water from the bare-chested bartender.

Lumien’s scowl gentled when she thought of her future mother-in-law. Paula Dorough had done wonders in changing the young woman’s mind about mothers and felt blessed that Paula welcomed her so readily into the family.

“Yeah, she’s happy about everything.” Lumien stared into the bottom of her glass. “Well, everything but the venue.”

“But there’s a priest officiating, so that’s not too bad.” Serenity pointed out the one thing that Howie had insisted on for the wedding.

“Yeah. Father O’Toole’s a pretty cool dude.  He promised the mass wouldn’t be that long.”

A shriek of laughter drew their attention, and Lumien frowned. “What is he doing?”

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“You sound awfully chipper.”

The chuckle drifted across the phone line. “That’s because I was very, very good last night.”

“Me, too.”

“Any nudity involved?”

“Yeah, but it was kinda boring. I mean, nothing I wanted to touch. You?”

“The same.”

“Ready for this evening?”

“Never more ready in my life. This is the one thing I’ve never been more sure of.”

There was a moment of silence followed by a contented sigh. “Yeah, me, too.”

“Tonight, then.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.”

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Meredith settled into the chair, looking at the packed groom’s side and the sparsely populated bride’s side. The ushers had started shifting Howie’s guests to the rear of Lumien’s side to catch the overflow. AJ reached over and placed his hand on her belly, smiling as he felt the baby kick under his palm. It was one of his favorite things to do, and he did it frequently.  Irene was seated next to them, and she immediately placed her hand beside AJ’s as they waited for the ceremony to begin. Nick and Allyson slipped into the aisle behind them, smiling at Brian.

Serenity smoothed the veil down Lumien’s back.

“Do I look okay?” The shorter woman stared at herself in the mirror, turning back and forth to study herself.

“You’re gonna knock his socks off.” She smiled at the bride.

“I agree.” The deeper voice startled both of them into looking up.

Lumien smiled. “Thank you, Kevin.”

He stepped further into the room, closing the door behind him. “You ready?”

She nodded. “Willing and able. Are we ready to go?”

He nodded and held out his arm. She picked up her bouquet and took a deep breath then released it.

The guests smiled as Howie and John followed Father O’Toole out to stand in front of the flowered arch. The backdrop of Cinderella’s castle glittered as the sun shone upon it. Howie had suggested Disney since Lumien kept talking about how wonderful her birthday party had been. The chance to ride in a carriage like a fairy princess had touched a part of herself Lumien kept hidden deep inside. Howie had seen that and insisted on having the wedding at Disney, but did ask that the ceremony be Catholic. She was happy to agree to that wish.

Now, the guests could hear the clop of hooves as the carriage rolled towards the white carpet laid out on the grass. The cessation of hoof beats indicated that the carriage had stopped, but tall hedges hid the occupants from view. Pachelbel’s
Canon began to play, and Serenity stepped onto the carpet, walking slowly towards the priest. At a signal from the coordinator, the guests rose and looked towards the back of the garden to see Lumien walk in on Kevin’s arm.

Howie felt the grin fill his face. He figured he probably looked like an idiot, but he couldn’t help himself. He would have to especially thank his mother for helping her find that dress.

Lumien caught sight of Howie’s face and felt herself grin in response. She could tell he liked the dress, and she was very glad she had decided on it. There were no adornments—it fell in a straight line from the boat neckline to her shoes. The back was lower than the neckline, but not by much, a simple line of pearl buttons covering the zipper. The train was not very long, due to Lumien’s fear of tripping over it. Sleeveless, it showed off the curve of her neck and shoulders, two of Howie’s favorite spots. A cluster of roses held her veil above the elegant French twist of her hair, and the tulle brushed along her back as she walked.

The closer she got to Howie, the more he smiled, and the more she smiled in return. By the time they reached the priest, Kevin was beginning to wish he had sunglasses to protect against the brightness of their smiles.

The priest nodded and looked at the guests. “Who gives this woman to be wed?”

Lumien froze for a moment, having forgotten about the question being asked. To the surprise of both bride and groom, the entire security team stood up.

“We do.” They nodded at the young woman.

Lumien sniffed as she smiled at them before turning back to the priest. Kevin placed her hand in Howie’s and moved to sit beside Irene.

The wedding mass was not overly long, much to the delight of the guests. When Howie finally kissed his bride, several people on his side threw up their hands and cheered. The couple parted to the sound of laughter, smiling at their guests before they strolled down the aisle. A number of photographs had already been taken before the ceremony, so all that remained were the couple, bridal party, and the family shots.

As Howie and Lumien posed near the flowered arch where they were married, she heard a voice she hadn’t heard in years. Disbelieving eyes widened as the woman stumbled just a little on the carpeting on her way down to the couple.

“Lummy, baby. Momma’s here.” She wrapped her arms around her daughter.

Lumien closed her eyes against the alcohol on her mother’s breath, remaining tense in the embrace. The woman pulled away and then lunged at Howie.

“So this is the new husband, huh? Looks like he might be worth more than Bruce.”

Both of them flinched at the name of her ex-husband, and Lumien looked at the woman in front of her.

“Momma, perhaps you should sit down. We’ll be done in a few minutes.”

Kevin stepped forward, smiling at the older woman as he escorted her to a seat a little ways away. The photographer stepped back onto the carpet.

“Okay, can I get a big smile?”

The couple tried to regain their equilibrium, but they both felt off-kilter. Howie tightened his grip on her waist.

“I’m sorry.”

She looked up at him, eyebrows raising. “You invited her?”

Nodding, he closed his eyes. “I talked to her, once, and she sounded sincere.”

“Was she sober?”

“I think so. She didn’t slur or anything. I just wanted to give you a chance at some closure; maybe to show her how well you turned out on your own.”

Lumien turned to look at her mother, seeing a woman who spent too many years in a bottle or some man’s bed, trying to find meaning in her life. She recognized that easily could have been her life if she hadn’t been strong enough to stand up for herself, to find a life for herself. To find a man who was worthy of me. The thought brought a smile to her face as she felt Howie’s fingers holding her own.

When she turned back to him, she smiled softly. “I appreciate the thought, but it wasn’t necessary.” They both looked at her mother, chatting loudly to anyone who would listen.

They finished with the photographer, and people headed for the trams that were waiting to take them to the Grand Floridian for the reception. The atrium and ballroom had been rented for the five-course dinner and the dancing that would come later.

Kevin stashed Lumien’s mother at a corner table, supplying her with some food and coffee to hopefully sober her up. The rest of the security team promised to keep an eye out for her. The bride and groom made the rounds of their guests, hugging and laughing and talking to everyone; accepting the good wishes and congratulations.

After dinner, they had the traditional cutting of the cake. They had promised not to smear icing on each other, and Howie delicately fed Lumien a bite of their cake.  He watched, entranced as she delicately licked his finger free of icing. Shuddering slightly, he couldn’t help noticing her grin. When she fed him a bite of cake, he repeated her move and grinned as she gasped softly. Those standing closest to the couple tried to hide their smiles.

As they danced to their first song, Howie looked down at the pearl necklace she wore, and he smiled.

“What’s so funny, Mr. Dorough?”

He shook his head. “Not funny so much as amazing. I look at that necklace and remember when I bought it, hoping to find the right woman. Then, I met you, and I finally realized that you were the one. Seeing it on you makes me think that it really does seem made for you.”

Lumien smiled, tightening her fingers around Howie’s. “I can’t imagine not wearing it, just like I can’t imagine not wearing your ring or your name.”

He leaned down to kiss her, feeling the warmth of her breath escape into his mouth when he settled it on hers. They continued to dance as they kissed, pulling apart slowly. He rested his forehead against hers.

“I love you, Lumien Dorough.”

“I like the sound of that.” She grinned. “I love you, too.”

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Meredith noticed the ring first, grabbing Nick’s hand to stare at it. Looking up at him, she simply arched an eyebrow.

“We got committed.”

“Excuse me?” She just looked at him.

“Neither of us wanted to go through the hassle of a ceremony, so we stood on the beach down in Aruba, promised to love each other, handed out the rings, and then kissed. No family to whine, no reporters, just us. Like our life is just us.”

She nodded and then hugged him. He walked away, and Meredith watched as he draped an arm across Allyson’s shoulders and she snuggled up to him. AJ slipped up behind her, wrapping his arms around her.

“What’s up?”

“We have to buy a commitment present.”

“Huh?” He moved around to look at her, confused by the statement.

“Nick and Allyson committed themselves to each other rather than get married. Do they have cards for that?” Meredith stared at her husband.

AJ shrugged. “Hell if I know. I’ll look on the ‘net tomorrow.” He kissed her cheek before heading for the dessert table to get something to eat.
Chapter Seven
Table of Contents
Chapter Five