Chapter Seven
Because their flight for San Juan did not leave until Monday, the newlyweds spent Sunday visiting with family and friends to thank everyone for their contributions to an almost perfect wedding. Remembering Howie’s thoughts on closure, Lumien knocked on her mother’s hotel room door later that afternoon and waited.

The door creaked open after a moment, and her mother stood there. She had an old bathrobe wrapped around her, her hair in disarray and mascara streaked under her eyes. She opened the door further without a word. Lumien crossed the threshold and looked around. She pressed her lips together for a moment.

“Why are you here?”

Linda Washington sat down on the edge of her bed and lit a cigarette with shaking hands. “I….”

Taking a puff, she closed her eyes. She finished smoking the cigarette and then stubbed it out.

“I guess I came to say I’m sorry, but I couldn’t quite do that without some liquid courage.”

Lumien arched an eyebrow as she stood in front of her mother, arms crossed against her chest. Linda understood her daughter’s anger, knew that she had royally screwed up. She just wanted a chance to apologize. She picked up her chip and rubbed it for a moment, realizing she would have to start over again.

“I’ve been in AA.”

“I can see that it’s done a lot of good.” Lumien’s tone was cool.

“Well, before last night, I hadn’t had a drink in six months. Looks like I’m gonna start collecting those chips again for abstinence.” Linda ignored the snort of disbelief from the woman in front of her. “Step 4 says I have to make amends. You’re the last one on my list.”

“Well, that’s par for the course. Okay, you’ve apologized, I think you can go away with a clear conscience.” Lumien stared at her mother for a few moments before turning and heading for the door.


The childhood name given to her by her father stopped Lumien in her tracks. Linda took advantage of that by continuing to speak.

“You were last because I did so many things to fuck up your life, and you were the most important thing to me. When you dad died, I lost it, and I lost you, and I looked for comfort in a bottle or in a man. I did wrong by you, and I can’t say I’m sorry enough for that. I just wanted to say that I’m proud of how you turned out. I heard about you in the Marines; one of your commanders sent me copies of all of your certificates for all you did. I keep ‘em in a photo album. I also saw pictures of you with your man, protecting him and the others. You done real good, despite everything I did or didn’t do.”

Lumien hated the tears that filled her eyes, hated feeling a small part of her heart swell with happiness at hearing that her mother was proud. She straightened her back and brushed the moisture from her cheeks before turning around.

“What do you want?”

Linda sighed and reached for another cigarette. “I would like for you to try and forgive me. I know it’s a lot to ask, and I know it may never happen, but I want your forgiveness. You think about it for a while, and maybe you can drop me a line or two when you’re able.”

Lumien stared at her mother, afraid to believe.  “I’ll think about it.”

“That’s all I ask.”

The two women looked everywhere, but each other. Linda finished her second cigarette and stood. “So, when you leaving for your honeymoon?”

“Tomorrow morning.  When are you heading home?”

“Tomorrow afternoon. Your husband arranged everything.” She walked Lumien to the door and held it open. “Tell him thank you.”

The young woman nodded and walked down the hall towards the elevator. She didn’t look back. Linda watched her daughter leave and then sighed, closing the door.

                   ***Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys***

Irene was in full hostess mode as she moved around the house like a whirlwind. The baby shower was planned for that afternoon, and Kevin had no doubts Mother Nature would be complying with his wife’s desire for beautiful weather or there would be hell to pay. They had prepared most of the food themselves, preferring to leave the cake to a professional so that the icing would be a perfect. He admired the sheet cake with its realistic portrayal of Winnie-the-Pooh and the Hundred-acre Wood.

Stepping back from the tulle he had been asked to hang, Kevin sighed in relief that he was finished. Nothing had been too much when it came to the first baby born into the Winters family, and he sincerely hoped that things would be less frantic when his own children started arriving.

“Babe, did you get it…” Irene walked into the room and grinned in delight. Moving to stand next to her husband, she wrapped an arm around his waist and kissed him.

“It looks beautiful. Thank you.”

He grinned down at her, returning her kiss. “My pleasure. Should we start getting ready? They’ll be here in an hour.”

The two of them headed upstairs to get ready for the party.

                 ***Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys***

Laughter seemed to ring from every part of the house as the group gathered in the living room to watch the unwrapping of baby gifts. AJ had just pulled the paper off the gift from Lance and BJ and stared it.

“What the hell is it?”

BJ smiled. “It’s a Diaper Genie.”

“And this is important because?” He continued staring at the box.

Lance just started laughing. When he calmed for a moment, he explained. “Well, diapers aren’t too bad when the baby’s being breast fed, but once they start eating baby food, it’s gonna be bad.” He laughed again. “You have *no* idea how horrendous the smell can be.”

“Sounds like Chris.” Justin rolled the toy fire truck over Brennan’s leg and listened to the baby chortle.

“Hey!” The accused man reached to smack the back of his friend’s head but missed when JC blocked him.

Howie grinned. “I was gonna say it sounds like Nick.”

Nick looked up and narrowed his eyes. “It’s a good thing I’m holding my nephew or I’d be whippin’ your ass.”

“Bring it on, little man.” The other man just winked amidst the laughter.

Meredith opened the next gift, revealing a high-count cotton crib-sheet set, comforter, and bumper pads in colors that matched the nursery. She brushed her hand over it, sighing at the velvet feel. She passed the box to AJ and reached over to lay her hand over JC’s.

“They’re wonderful. Thank you.”

He grinned and shrugged. “We thought the baby should have something really soft that would feel good against its skin.”

Justin nodded. “Once we tried them, we haven’t purchased anything less than 600-count.”

AJ accepted another box from Irene and ripped off the paper and opened the box. He pulled out a cashmere blanket, stroking the soft fabric before opening the card. He looked up and smiled at his friend.

“Thanks, D, Lu. It’s fabulous.”

Meredith reached over and stroked the blanket, enjoying the feel of it beneath her fingers. She smiled at the couple as she accepted a box from Kevin. Sliding her nail under the edge of the envelope, she opened it and pulled out a card.

Arching an eyebrow, she looked at Chris and Joey, who just grinned back at her. Meredith slowly opened the box and folded back the tissue then began to laugh. AJ leaned over and laughed as well as he pulled of the small leather pants and Harley-Davidson tee shirt.

“Thanks, guys.” He chortled as he held up the pants and showed the others. Meredith tossed him the bandanna before handing him the box.

“Thanks, Chris, Joey.” Meredith winked at them.

The box made the circle as AJ took another box from Irene. He shook it gently, cackling a little before he opened it.

“Oh, wow.” He pulled out the hand-made mobile, staring in fascination at the dream catchers dancing on the strings.

“That’s gorgeous.” Meredith stroked the feathers and beads, smiling at Brian and Serenity. “Thank you, both.”

The couple smiled back at their friends as the present was passed around. Meredith opened the next box and grinned as she stroked the glass. Pulling out the wrought iron picture frame, she turned it around to show pencil drawings of the original Winnie-the-Pooh characters.

“Irene, Kevin, it’s beautiful, and it goes perfectly with the nursery.” She hugged her brother-in-law and grinned at her sister.

AJ reached for the last present, a large box that Irene just pushed towards him. He ripped off the paper and opened it to reveal several sterling silver frames. Allyson looked at her friends.

“We got several sizes so that you could pictures of you two and the baby and then the big one is for your first family portrait.”

Looking around the room, Meredith smiled at her friends as she took AJ’s hand. “We can’t say thank you enough. You’ve been here through everything, and you’ve supported us. The gifts are all wonderful and will be put to good use, but I think the best thing is the fact that you guys will be here for our child whenever help is needed.”

AJ squeezed her fingers. “Meredith’s right. I know that we’ll never have to worry about anything with you guys here. We love you, and we thank you.”

Irene stood and hugged both of them before stepping back. “Okay, enough mushiness, it’s time to party.”

The group laughed as the presents were gathered and placed in an out-of-the-way corner. Kevin ushered everyone into the dining room to gather plates and delve into the buffet that awaited them.

That evening, after the rest of the guests had left, Kevin helped AJ put the gifts into the Expedition as Irene and Meredith put some of the party food into containers.

“Thank you, Reeny-beanie.” She hugged her sister tightly.

“You’re welcome.” Irene returned the embrace before leaning back. “I expect something similar when it’s my turn.”

“You got it.”

The two women walked out to the SUV as the rear hatch was closed. Meredith hugged Kevin as AJ hugged Irene, both couples smiling broadly. AJ helped his wife into the front seat, making sure she was settled before he closed the door. Saluting the others, he raced around to the driver’s seat and climbed inside. Kevin and Irene waved as the couple drove off then returned to their house.

He stood and looked at the dining room, sighing at the thought of cleaning. She slipped up behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

“Dreading it, huh?”

Kevin nodded. Irene squeezed him gently as she laughed.

“Well, we could go practice on starting our own family.”

Grinning as he turned, he looked down into her smiling face. He pressed a kiss against her lips then pulled back.

“You’re on.”

Hand in hand, they raced up the stairs to their bedroom.

                 ***Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys*** Backstreet Boys***

“Are you breathing?”

“Yes, I’m breathing.”

There was silence in the room except for the short pants that accompanied the pain.

“Want some ice chips?”

“No, I’m fine.”

Silence again.

“Are you sure I can’t…”

Blue eyes found brown and held them. AJ released a long breath. “I’m getting on your nerves.”

Meredith grinned and held up her thumb and index finger, which were spread millimeters apart. “Just a bit.”

He stood and wandered through the room, playing with his wedding ring. “I just…you’re in pain…want to see…”

She reached out and grabbed him on his third circuit by her bed, tugging him close. “Talk to me. Sing to me. Take my mind off this pain.” She gasped as another contraction started, breathing through the pain.

He watched her then watched the monitor, calling out encouragement until it was over. “I’m so proud of you, love.”

Meredith leaned back against the pillows, opening her eyes as she did so. She grinned at him as she rubbed her belly.

“Does it hurt a lot?” AJ rested his hand on hers.

“Yeah, but it’s relative.” She shrugged. “It’s more concentrated than all over.”

“I can’t believe the epidural didn’t work.” He rubbed her fingers, not liking the missing wedding ring.

The nurse appeared, checking Meredith once again for dilation. When she looked at the couple, she smiled. “Let’s have a baby!”

Dr. Simmons walked into the room and grinned at his patient. “You ready, Meredith?”

“Oh, yeah.” Her grin was cut off by another contraction.

Nurses bustled around, making sure everything was ready for the imminent birth. AJ helped Meredith into a sitting position so she could push, whispering how much he loved her and was proud of her as she struggled through the pain of childbirth.

He was amazed when he looked down into the mirror and saw the head crowning, swathed in dark curls. Holding his breath, he watched as Dr. Simmons held the baby’s head as the shoulders were delivered, turning the baby as it slid out of Meredith’s body.

“AJ, you wanna cut the cord?”

He found himself moving forward before he could nod, reaching out to slice through the cord as indicated. When the baby was free, crying after expelling the mucus from its mouth, it was gently laid on Meredith’s belly. AJ was stunned as the baby’s eyes stared at him, and he realized he didn’t even know whether it was a boy or girl.

Reaching out, he brushed his finger over the tiny ear, his fingers running into Meredith’s. She smiled at him, the pain fading from her eyes.

“She’s beautiful.”

A daughter.

He grinned, ignoring the tears in his eyes. “Just like her mother.” Leaning forward, he kissed her gently as a nurse carried the baby over to be cleaned and weighed.

The APGAR test was done, a smile from the nurse indicating the results, and they both sighed as Dr. Simmons finished up with the post-delivery procedures. The baby was returned to them, and AJ watched as Meredith held their daughter in her arms.

Dr. Simmons stripped off his gloves and smiled at the new parents. “Want me to tell the troops?”

Meredith looked at AJ for a moment. He winked at her and turned to the doctor.

“I’ll do it.”
With a last kiss to his wife’s mouth and gentle caress to his daughter’s head, AJ walked out of the room and down the hall. He stopped in the doorway, observing the family there, and he closed his eyes to relish the moment. Denise looked up and saw him, standing after a moment.


The entire room looked at him and waited. He grinned. “It’s a girl; 8 pounds, 4 ounces, 19 inches long.”

Suddenly surrounded in a hug, he felt the tears on his cheeks and knew they were not his alone.

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Meredith unfolded the blanket surrounding her daughter and looked down at the child. She brushed gentle fingertips over the small nose and the tiny mouth then moved on to count fingers and toes. She had been waiting for this for so long—longer than ever thought possible. Tiny eyes suddenly opened and stared at her, and she was transfixed by her daughter’s stare.

“Hello, Hannah. I’m your mommy.”
Chapter Eight
Table of Contents
Chapter Six