Yellow Spiral Binder

Other Stories

Thea Van Doorn


Really is it possible? Maybe, maybe not? I like to believe that it is conceivable. Being exhausted I went to bed and must have fallen asleep, or just maybe I started to dream, or was I really on the other side. It was during what I shall call a dream, that I got a glimpse of the other side.

The wind softly blowing. The tall trees swaying in time with each other. The raindrops heavy came down on the grasses and the flowers. A more tranquil place, I had never experienced.

Beautiful, serene calm and peaceful, only the singing of birds could be heard, absolute paradise, I had always imagined the Garden of Eden to be like this. A big wall surrounded the quiet garden, only the voices of children playing on the other side penetrated the wall, the voices of some adults could be heard but not to clear.

The children’s laughter,and loving, their generous ways of giving and touching each other, could be imagined.

As I walked on I realized I heard another sound coming from within the soil. The souls resting there stirred. They, the souls, wanted to reach out seize some of the same happiness those children posses so naturally. I started to realize, as adults we do become to reserve and out of touch with our feelings and expressions of love.

They, the souls, could not even come close, as they lay within their graves. Their hearts, souls and their throats where full of tears, the tears they had choked away, when they belonged to the land of the living.

The nights in this beautiful garden where different. The scent of the flowers filled the air. The souls in their graves stirred ready to give love to each other. Their spirits, like the light and the shadows on a cold moonlight night, set themselves free from the crushing burden of weight upon their hearts. They came floating to the top and into the land of the living. Their wish was to go over the walls that surrounded them, oh to be free, to go to the once they had left behind and console them in their loneliness. The spirits just had to make it know to them that they where there for them.

They did not feel any pain, or in any way felt they where slowed down in their spirits. They where contented. Not everyone one made it over the wall, the once that did had been there for a while.

The once that didn’t make it over the wall, consoled each other by holding each other in the arms of compassion and love, they tried to comprehend that their time would come, to go over the wall. The souls realized it would be a foolish attempt to try before the time was right, they had to rest for now.

Tired and weary they would float and the moaning began and the scary longing to protect the once they had left behind it was not to be, then the tears would start and wash the souls clean. The moaning grew louder no one spoke. They floated aimlessly and in the cold silence of the night, the souls became understanding loving friends. As they reached out for each other, they felt the trust and the love. Their moaning turned into a happy song, someday some day soon, we will be able to visit them and they will be able to reach us on this side of the wall, they slowly regained a happy wandering feeling and felt at peace with themselves. Someday they too would be able to comfort, hug and show the love, as freely as the children did.

There was no hiding in the garden on how you truly felt, every one there could tune into your soul. The most inner feelings and thoughts where know to each other, the reason being love sweet love. All in the circle wished they had shown more love given more hugs while they where among the land of the living. The biggest regret was that they had held back because of foolish pride but then of course they where called human and thought that as such they where privileged to make mistakes.

The dawn was breaking, the grasses where still wet with the tears. The souls where no longer moaning, they where able to sing again and feel the joy of reaching out to someone. The flowers benefited from the tears; they took delight in speeding their wonderful aroma of beauty trough the air.

They where happy to be alive.

The souls went back to the graves to rest, to think about what should have been heaven on earth. They had left to few happy memories behind there was nothing they could alter now the life had been lived.

For you for me who are still in the land of the living they left a lesson. We can still do something about happy memories, we can hug more, we can love and share with each other, and become soul mates.

We have to start realizing that there are no hours, no day’s, week’s months or years, only moments. We have to know we will only have moments. The only day’s that can be wasted, in fighting about who is right and who is wrong, are two day’s the one called yesterday for it is gone, tomorrow we might never see, we have the moment. We must believe in the moment, in touching love and hugging.

Then when we make the trip to the garden we will be happy in knowing we lived our life’s well and left a lot of happy memories that will console the one’s we leave behind.


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Yellow Spiral Binder