
Last Updated 18 SEPTEMBER 2003 (Back from the dead...)
Updated Every Week 2 Weeks (Nice being back...)
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This is something new. You suggest a title and I will write it. Give me any title, words, phrase, quotes, anything! Sorry if you get the sign guestbook word that popped out. I used a guestbook so don't feel weird.

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Duh! What?! After 11 freaking months here this website still:

So...This makes this website the only place to read the latest update for my fanfics. I tried publishing my stories in other major fanfic sites but they either got rejected or was never published. This leaves my fics only to be available here, so try sticking on to here, tell me what you hate about my site or fics and I will consider fixing it. Arigato.

Alright, enough about the Introduction. The reason you came in is to read fanfics. Go on. Read.

It was already evening. The sun was setting. Somewhere in Kalm, A young man was taking a stroll down the quiet streets of Kalm. Suddenly, he felt someone tailing him. Without much thought, he turned around and saw a stunning young girl carrying a basket of flowers, asking,
"Would you like a Flower?"
Cloud, not believing his eyes, walked a few steps towards her and took a better look at her. She was like her, way too much like her... "Who...Actually Are You?"
Cloud asked while looking deeply into her eyes. She looked back at him, then she felt uneasy and turned her head away from him. But Cloud still continue that stare and she walked closer towards him, brought up her basket and looked him straight into his eyes.
"Please Choose One, Now... Pick a flower."
Cloud was in doubt, not about the flowers, but whether she was who he thought she was.
" something that you should know."
Aeris said and Cloud stared at her blankly. What do she meant? Is she who he thought she really is?
"Please, let's settle this once and for all." That was what Cloud could say before the two stared at each other, wondering will there be an end to this. 

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Settle this, once and for all (series finale)
Crossover best left untitled (the original one)
You suck.

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The Crossover Best Left Untitled

Now, this is the fic that I consider ultimate for myself. Yes, a FF7 - FF8 crossover, but not the usual story you see. Brings together the weirdest of stories, strangest of couples, bombardment of surprises. I cannot say anything about the fic because I will spoil it if I did. But please, read this fic and you will realize why. Even if you don't like the beginning, just keep reading. You know that I keep all the best for the last, right? :) (Love, drama, emotional, uncategorized)

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2  
Chapter 3   Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6NEW! Chapter 7NEW! Chapter 8NEW!
Chapter 9NEW! Chapter 10NEW! Chapter 11NEW!
Chapter 12NEW! Chapter 12 1/2NEW! Chapter 14NEW!
Chapter 15NEW! Chapter 16NEW! Chapter 17NEW!

זה האתר הכימעט הכי מעולה שהייתי בו (Suggested by nitzan)

Yes. This is a title. No errors with it. Just trying to write a fic with a really strange title. Interested? Read! (Love)

Entire fiction here!

A Moment of Truth

This is a story about Reeves and his life that sucks. Nothing much compared to the other fics, but something to keep you occupied and it really does bring back some memories...(Love)[Reeves]

Entire Fiction Here!

Houston, We Have a NEW Problem...

This is a continue of the series but the series actually continue in "There's something you should know. Someone else wrote this and I just wrote the first chapter to help him out. So, read and give him comments will ya?
Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5

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Would You Like a Flower?(Book One)

Ah...My first attempt at writing a fan fiction. It's about Cloud getting married with Tifa(woohoo!) when a girl resembling Aeris popped out from nowhere, turning the world upside-down. I rather enjoy writing this one, since I put a lot of effort in it. This is a spiced up version from the one in FF8source. If you like it, read the sequels. I think they are better.(Love Story)

Entire Fiction Here!

Who Actually Are You?(Book Two)

The sequel for "Would You Like A Flower?". This is one pretty long fic. I changed the genre a little, though there is still a major part of love in it. This suits those who like action a lot and there is more touch of humor in this. For those that prefer love stories, the love story from last story continues here...(Action/Aventure)

Entire Fiction Here!

Choose One, Now(Book Three)

Ah...The third book of the series...This is probably my favorite. This fic is mostly about love and why, the title says so. To spice up a little more, I added some trill into it, hoping you all will like it, whatever the ending is(Love/Triller)

Entire Fiction Here!

There is Something That You Should Know...(Book Four...)

This is a fic that continues after all that happened between the characters in the earlier fics. It kinda explains the loose ends in the others fics and opens a path to...the sequel of this sequel. Read. (Love/Autobiography?)

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8
Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11
Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17
Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Settle This, Once and for All...(Finale)

Some may like this fic, some may hate it. It all depends whether you are an Aeris fan. Finale of everything, no more cliffhangers after this. This is it. Once and for all. (Love/Adventure)

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 NEW!


This is one short fic that is quite cliche but I really had fun writing it. Imagine. Aeris's death, Cloud's delemma, and then......find out yourself. Remember, read till the end!(Love)

Entire Fiction Here!

Something had Happened Beneath the Surface

Woo...This is one fiction that will take me a long time to complete...It's about Cloud's dream about Aeris. On his journey to a new adventure, he unfolded many dark secrets that are better left untold...WARNING:This fic is pretty gory. No pics. Just text.(Aventure/Horror)

Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6


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