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Growing in the Grace of God

" Reaching the lost by preaching the Cross"

The Evangelism ministry of St. Paul Lutheran Church, in recognition of its responsibility for both out reach from and in- reach to our congregation, has assumed responsibility for using the " blessings" of technology to provide information about "the word" and the church.

As you scan this site you will find extras and updates about our regular and special services, organizations, and activities. We invite you to join us often-at this site and at our church.



The Evangelism Ministry Commission meets on the first Tuesday of the month at 6:00 p.m. at the church.


Warriors For Christ

As we approach Revival 2002, the Evangelism Commission recognizes the need for prayerful intercession for the success of the spiritual undertaking. We sincerely believe that prayer changes things and that God will honor our desire to serve Him with our whole heart.

In support of our mission to reach both inward and outward, the Evangelism Commission has conceived a plan to enlist the services of "Prayer Warriors." These are people who are willing to dedicate time in prayers of praise and thanksgiving to God for His many blessing, in prayers for the spiritual well-being of the church and in prayers for the special needs of or members and others.

We encourage you to prayerfully consider becoming a prayer warrior. As you unite in prayer with others, we have faith that God will bless the sacrifice of those who render prayer, as well as those for whom the prayers are offered. Please let us know of your decision by calling or e-mailing the church at (904) 765-7737 or Fmarsh8925@aol.com.


Sacrifice of Prayer Vigil

The Evangelism Commission, in its quest for a heartfelt, sincere revival on April 25-26, 2002, is seeking those who would give a specified amount of time on April 24th to pray for the success of the Revival. We urge each member of St. Paul to involve themselves wholeheartedly in offering a "sacrifice of prayer."

These time slots or "sacrifices of prayer" would be in 30 minute intervals, beginning at 9:00 A.M. until 9:00 P.M. on the day prior to the Revival. The sanctuary will be open and each organization is encouraged to schedule a block of time and request those members who are retired or otherwise available to use the sanctuary for their prayer sacrifice. However, this commitment might be carried out either at home or at work for those who cannot come.

We sincerely believe that prayer changes things and that God will honor our desire to serve him with our whole heart. We have faith that He will give us a renewed spirit and the strength to continue His work. We encourage you to prayerfully consider your personal participation in the "Sacrifice of Prayer Vigil" and to sign the schedule posted in the narthex.

Goals and Activities for 2002
2002 Church Goals
Strategies for Accomplishing Goals
1. To establish outreach opportunities to get the entire church body involved in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and God's forgiveness.

1. Plan and carry out visitations in targeted communities and other locations and invite others to services at St. Paul.

2. Encourage all organizations and members to invite friends, family and other groups to share in our services on regular and special occasions.

3. Maintain tract racks and provide inspirational messages for Sunday Worship Services and the newsletter.

2. To develop strategies for Christian Growth within the church family, that members may experience and demonstrate joyful Christian Fellowship, support and hospitality.

1. Encourage participation in District and Church Evangelism Workshops.

2. Serve as liaison between church organizations to encourage internal evangelism within their respective groups.

3. To encourage and support members' involvement and leadership in Church Ministries and the Elders of the congregation. 1. Plan and implement a Leadership Summit to focus on development of a coordinated approach to Church Ministries.
4. To encourage greater the spiritual awareness throughout the church body. 1. Plan and coordinate revivals, prayer vigils, prayer warriors and other church growth activities.

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2730 EDGEWOOD AVE. W JACKSONVILLE FL 32209-2315 (904) 765-4219