St. Peter's Anglican Church Toronto Canada
188 Carlton St. Toronto Ontario Canada M5A 2K8 (416) 924-1891

Upcoming Services

Holy Communion 10:30AM


Click here for more details



How to get to St Peter's



College Subway Station- Take the 506 street car eastbound get off at Sherbourne Street walk 1 block east along Carlton until Bleecker (Note the College streetcar does not go inside the station and therefore riders coming via the subway must show a transfer from their station of embarkation, without the transfer you will have to pay fare again.)

Sherbourne Subway Station- Take the Sherbourne bus southbound get off at Carlton Street and walk east along Carlton Street 1 block until Bleecker

(Note the Sherborne bus & 506 College Street Car do not go inside the stations and therefore riders coming via the subway must show a transfer from their station of embarkation, without the transfer you will have to pay fare again. eg. if you got on the subway at Yonge Station you require have to show the bus driver a transfer from Yonge Station which is the station you began your subway ride at.)


Image by R. Brown 2001

Worship Schedule

Sunday Service: 10:30AM
Holy Eucharist
Sacrament of Healing 3rd Sunday of the Month
Morning Prayer on occasion


(order of services may vary depending on the season i.e Easter, Palm Sunday)

Weekday Services

Wednesday Service 9 AM
Holy Eucharist

Fudger House Nursing Home 10AM
Every 2nd Friday of the month 439 Sherbourne St

Rekai Nursing Home 10AM
1st Thursday of the month 345 Sherbourne St.





All third party materials, registered trademarks,and copyrighted materaial are property of their respective holders ©St Peter's Anglican Church 2005
188 Carlton St. Toronto Ontario M5A 2K8 (416)924-1891

This page last updated: June 2009, Contact webmaster at
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