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The number one source for any of Miyazaki's or other Ghibli's works. Frequently updated, it has lots of incredible information as well as what's going on in the world of Studio Ghibli.

Tea with the White Dragon
Wonderful website dedicated to one of the best Ghibli movie, Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi. Half of the text is in Japanese though, so either learn Japanese or hope there's a translation of what is written.

Another fan website dedicated to some of the works of Studio Ghibli. Simple yet elaborate, easy to navigate and full of information.

Online Ghibli
Yet another website fully dedicated to the wonders of Studio Ghibli. They have several different media that sets it apart from the rest.

This is a atually a fanfic website with a twist. Why? Well, you will have to find that out for yourself. Very good layout too. You might want to find out why it's called 'Jin', it may just surprise you.

DBAllred Central
Another of my online acquaintance. Often called dballred by me and some others, he's a fellow member at Wingsee's Ghibli forum and assisted me in my manga translation project. The website is just filled with random stuff but half is related to Ghibli.

Ghibli World
Lots of exclusive news. One of the sources for Nausicaa's updates, it is actually a personal website run by a friend in the forums I frequent, Wushu-4-Ever. Also includes his rather lavish Ghibli collection that would make any Ghibli fan jealous.