As soon as the door opened he knew something was wrong.
Hill was screaming his lungs out and a soft gush of air had brought a whiff of a familiar scent. Leffner!
Reacting with knee-jerk instincts, he grabbed Zar’s arm and swung her up against the outside wall. Trapping her body behind his. Acting as a shield in case of trouble.
Her scared whisper washed over his heightened senses.
“What is it?”
“OH GOD! The kids are in there!”
Panic stripping her of caution Zar tried to move around the muscled wall that was Richard’s back. She had to get to them!
Richard felt the terror flowing off her. The fear for the children overriding the common sense she normally would’ve shown.
Feeling her movement, he turned so that her body was maneuvered against the wall by his. Putting his lips close to her ear, he tried to calm her. It wasn’t easy because he himself was pumped up with adrenaline and worry. But letting her put herself in a potentially lethal situation was not going to happen!
“Listen to me! Crashing in there and getting yourself killed is not going to help them! Stay here. Let me take care of it. The scent smells a couple of hours old, so he’s probably gone. But I’m not taking a chance. You either agree to stay here or I drag you some place safe and then come back. You really want to wait that long for me to help the kids if they need it?”
Her tear filled gaze met his determined one. She knew he meant what he threatened. She’d have to control her reactions or he would take her out of the situation for fear of her getting hurt.
It took him thirty seconds of searching her eyes for honesty when she nodded her acquiescence.
“Alright. I’ll let you know when it’s okay. You hear any signs of struggle and you high-tail it out of hear! Understand?!”
He didn’t wait for her agreement. Knowing that without him there to stop her, that she would rush in to try and save him if she thought he was in danger. But he had to try something to make her think twice.
The shiv that had miraculously appeared in his hand a second after the door opened felt good. He could only hope that Leffner didn’t have a pulse rifle.
Two steps into the lighted dining area and he knew that Leffner was gone. But his reactions and instincts had been off kilter since Miri Lopresso and her attempted seduction. He didn’t feel one hundred percent reliable. What he did feel was pissed at the self-doubt that now reared it’s head in this kind of situation.
But within twenty seconds he was positive his first instinct was correct. Leffner was gone. Leaving only his stink behind. But he wasn’t going to take chances that the piece of shit hadn’t left a booby trap of some sort. Slowly stalking through first the bathroom, his and Zar’s bedroom, the common’s then Audrey’s room he saw nothing denoting a struggle or vandalism. All the doors had been open as normal. They rarely closed them except when in need of privacy. But Toni and Hill’s door was closed. Not a good sign.
Shifting to one side in preparation of fuck only knew what, he flashed his hand over the sensor.
The door silently rushed into the wall.
The smell of dirty diapers, blood and fear surged over his skin. The baby squalling in the crib. No Toni.
Then the sight of the body of the floor. Lying crumpled next to the crib.
Audrey! Fuck no!
“Zar! Get in here!”
Zar flew from her place next to the apartment’s door. Her body rocketing to a stop at the sight of the limp form of Audrey being cradled in Richard’s arms. Almost as an afterthought, her mind noted that Hill was in the crib and that Toni wasn’t in the room.
Her eyes went blank as grief washed over her.
Not another child dead! Please Dear God, not another child!
She felt the inertia of loss draining the will out of her. She couldn’t DO this! Not again.
Richard would just have to handle this. She was going away to some place else. Some place in her mind that would be safe and where pain didn’t exist.
She watched as if from a long tunnel as Richard placed two fingers against Audrey’s throat.
“She’s alive!!! Her pulse is strong. Looks like she’s been worked over though.”
Closing her eyes, she said a prayer of thanksgiving.
When she raised them she saw Richard carrying Audrey over to the bed. Laying her gently on top.
The grief that had been locking her muscles in place evaporated and she felt herself free to move. Flying over to the bed to touch and reassure herself that Audrey was alive.
Looking the teenager over carefully she noticed the split lip and bruises that were bright on her face. Rage at Leffner shook through her frame.
“I was wrong. You should’ve killed him.”
“I won’t make the same mistake again. Rest assured.”
She knew she should’ve tried to talk sense into him. For his sake if nothing else. But she couldn’t bring herself to be so hypocritical. She wanted Leffner dead also. She tore her gaze from Audrey long enough to look into Richard’s face.
His goggles were still on. What she had to say couldn’t be said to goggles. It needed to be said eye to eye.
Taking her hand from Audrey’s, she reached up to his face and removed the walls that both hid and protected his eyes.
“You kill him! Whatever, wherever, however.”
There weren’t many times Richard got to see the side of Zar that was as dark, and as strong, as he was. Only twice had he caught a glimpse of it. Once in her retelling of Brenner’s attack on her family. The other when she had plotted Brenner’s death in order to protect Richard from himself. He understood perfectly. She wouldn’t have survived if she hadn’t the ability to coldly contemplate doing what needed to be done. The rest of the time she was a loving, caring, believing woman full of faith in him and their life together. But it was only the two times that he had seen the hate and rage that could rule her.
Now it was three. She was absolutely determined that Leffner die. And perfectly willing to use Richard as her weapon. The woman whose body he knew better than his own was showing one of the true colors of her soul. Not it’s only color, but an additional color that even she probably couldn’t accept on a normal day. She could be as lethal and as ruthless as he could. Most days she unconsciously buried those tendencies down deep and hid them. Until she needed them.
A vision of Carolyn Fry flashed through his mind.
Her determination to survive. Even if it meant sacrificing the passengers of the freighter she was piloting. Then later fighting, mostly due to guilt, for those same passengers lives. Willing to make the sacrifice of her own life to ensure theirs.
He had always thought Zar and Carolyn very different women with only a few similarities. But at that moment he realized that what had attracted him to both women was their ability to balance the need to do the dirty deeds in life with the ability to let the good rule whenever possible. Something he was slowly learning.
Another woman flashed across his mind. Miri Lopresso and her hands on his body. He didn’t think she had the same kind of good/bad balance that Carolyn and Zar had. He didn’t think she even thought it necessary to learn it. Whatever she wanted she set out to get. Period. It wasn’t a question of good or bad.
Not immoral or moral, simply amoral. End of story.
The realization caused a shiver to wash down his spine. That was really what he was if he was honest. Not a true psychopath, but more of a sociopath. One who doesn’t recognize that there has to be good or bad. Just needs met. Any way, any how.
Being with Zar made him change from the sociopath though. She made him recognize that a choice had to be made between good and bad. For his own sake.
Except for times like this. Then she let the lines blur. Amoral. End of story.
Mentally he shrugged. Who was he to condemn a woman who managed to keep making the choice for good ninety-nine percent of the time? She kept the lines razor sharp the rest of the time. And made sure he knew when he crossed those lines. She made him care when he crossed those lines. When before he hadn’t cared. The gift of redemption.
If in repayment her could be her weapon of revenge and safety, it was a small enough price to pay.
He cupped the back of her head, bringing her forehead in contact with his. Looking deep into her eyes in promise.
“Consider it done.”
Nodding slowly once in acknowledgement, she turned her eyes back to Audrey.
“She’s coming around.”
“Audrey, honey. It’s Zar. Can you talk?”
Small moans of pain and terror erupted from beaten girls throat as she opened her eyes.
“It’s okay! It’s okay! Me and Richard are here. Leffner’s gone!”
“Toni! Oh God! He has her!”
“Calm down, you’re not going to be able to help them if you don’t calm down. What happened?”
“Is Hill okay? He’s screaming awfully loud.”
With her words Zar guiltily become aware of the upset baby. Her previous attention riveted on Audrey. Blocking out the sounds of the baby.
“I’ll take care of him. Stay with her Richard. Don’t let her get up yet. She’s still in shock. We might need to take her to the med-lab.”
“NO! I have to find Toni! He’ll kill her....or...worse!” The sobs were coming fast and hard. Weakening the girl further. Making her struggles to get up even more ineffectual against Richard’s restraining hands.
“Hey! Lay back kid! I’ll go find them. But I can’t until you calm down and tell me how it went down.” Turning slightly towards Zar, “Go take care of Hill then get her some water Zar.”
He felt Zar walk over to Hill. Soon she had the baby changed and calmed, resting peacefully in his crib. Blithely unaware of the chaos around him. Hearing her leave the room and head toward the kitchen. Seconds later the sounds of water running and cupboards slamming drifting in from the other room.
He stared at the face of the terrified and hurting girl that was his daughter in spirit if not in body. Softly he wiped the tears from her eyes and the blood seeping from her lip. Taken by surprise when she rose up and threw her arms around him. Feeling her sobs and pain lash through him. Knowing she needed reassurance from him. Needed his strength.
Holding her tightly, he tried to impart his pledge that he would take care of things to the best of his ability. Not wanting her to have to face the very probable reality that Toni Platz was dead at the hands of Burt Leffner. That all he could do was make Leffner pay.
He looked over at the doorway . Feeling Zar’s presence. Seeing the despair and anger in her eyes that a child she considered her own had once again been used and abused in a battle that wasn’t hers. She broke away from the portal and walked slowly towards the embracing pair.
“Audrey, I need to clean you up sweetie. Lie back down.”
Kneeling next to the bed, Zar carefully held the glass of water to the teenager’s abused mouth. Supporting her head as she reclined and sipped the relief giving liquid.
“Can you talk now?” Richard’s impatience was clear. He wanted the information and then he wanted to hunt down Leffner.
“Yeah. I guess. I was in the bathroom when the door buzzer went off. Toni knew about your orders not to open it unless you were here. So I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t hear voices. I thought they had just given up and went away.
I came out a few minutes later and there was Leffner! He had Toni in front of him on her knees! He was holding her hair in one hand and a pulse pistol to her throat in the other. He looked like he was high or something. A weird...I dunno...light in his eyes.
I guess I wasn’t thinking. Just kinda reacted. I went for him. Figuring I could get him off Toni. I knew I was close enough to get to him before he could shoot.”
Audrey broke off when she saw Richard’s face tighten. He was royally pissed at her now. She had to admit to herself that it had been a pretty stupid thing to do. But at the time, it seemed the only thing to do!
Zar wasn’t to thrilled with her either. “Are you fucking nuts child! You know what that maniac is like and you decide to rush him?! You know better than to pull a fool stunt like that Jack... I mean Audrey.”
She been relieved when Richard had not reacted other than his face clenching, but obviously he was just deciding on what to do with her because his hand shot out and grabbed her shirt at her neck. Hauling her off the bed and putting her face less than an inch from his. She’d never seen him so pissed. Though for two seconds a vision (memory?) flashed across her mind of another time when his face looked like that. She sensed a dingy room reeking with the smell of whore. Then his eyes were cold with dislike and disgust and ....something else. It was just a flash. She wasn’t even sure if it had been a memory or not.
But his face had one difference from the vision. She knew the anger rolling off him was in fear for her. Not because he hated her.
Still, the sight of him made it hard to swallow.
“Don’t ever do anything like that again.” His voice was just barely above a whisper, but it held the intensity of a scream.
Audrey knew that agreeing, with no bullshit excuses, was her only option if she didn’t want to find herself permanently watched till she reached legal age.
It was still hard to get enough spit in her mouth to respond, so she made do with a nod. Relieved when he slowly lowered back down to the bed.
Zar had seen the fear and self-realized stupidity flash over the girls face and would’ve felt sorry for if not for her own terror. Audrey should’ve known better than to pull shit like that. So she kept the sympathy from her own face. Instead offering comfort by giving her more water.
“Ready to tell us the rest?”
Casting Richard a wary eye before continuing, Audrey nodded.
“I guess the grease ball didn’t expect me to come at him like that. I hit him hard and he let go of Toni. But it didn’t take him long to recover. I think he back handed me through the open door. All I remember is the pain and the dizziness. And Hill crying and Toni pleading with Leffner to leave me and the baby alone!
He came into the room and stood over me. He had Toni by the hair again. Dragging her along with him. I thought for sure he was going to kill the baby the way he looked at him! I didn’t think I had the strength to fight him much less stop him. He said to tell you that this was pay back for the last time you two met. And that you should’ve known better than to take what was his. That this was just the first installment on what he owed you back.
Then he kicked me in the side. The last thing I remember is Toni screaming as he dragged her out of the room.”
Zar and Richard looked at each other. The knowledge that something other than some cretin’s revenge was going on here. The knowledge that Toni Platz was probably dead. The knowledge that Hill Platz was now their responsibility. The knowledge that Burt Leffner was going to have to die. That Riddick was going to have to come out of the box Richard Carolyn took pains to keep him in.
Burt Leffner had upped the ante. He’d taken a near death beating and came back loaded for bear. Too dumb, or too smart, to let things go.
“You stay here with Audrey and the baby. I’m going after him. It might take a few days. You still have that pulse pistol from when Brenner attacked us?”
Zar nodded.
“Good. Keep it handy. Don’t go out. Period. If you don’t hear from me within four days, get the hell off the station.”
Richard saw fear for him mix with resignation at his determination fill her eyes. He hated causing her more pain, but it was unavoidable. Zar needed to see that things like this happened to him all the time. The last year of peace had been an aberration. He attracted trouble like a fly to shit. She had taught him to try and avoid it rather than run head first into it. But reality was that evil seemed to get off on playing with him. Using him like a bumper in a cosmic game of pinball. Bouncing misfortune off him to see how he would react. Something you just couldn’t avoid.
Burt Leffner was one of those things.
It pissed him off that God let this happen. Oh, he knew he didn’t deserve a break. But Zar and Audrey, hell even Toni and little Hill, were innocents in this game. And how the hell longer was he going to have to play? If this was what life was going to be like, fuck it. Let him die now. Before he brought those he loved down with him.
Suddenly he had to get out of there and find Leffner. The sooner it was over the better.
Blindly he rose from the bed, heading for his and Zar’s bedroom. Thinking about what to take on his “hunt.”
Within five minutes he had changed out of his work clothes and had his duffel bag packed. Coming into the dining area he saw Zar standing at the door. The pulse gun lying on the table.
Her face was devoid of whatever emotions she was feeling. Trying in her own way to make it easy for him to face a possible death without all the emotional baggage she could throw on him. But he knew his Zar. She wouldn’t let him leave without some memory to hold onto.
Stopping in front of her he took a long look at the woman who had changed his life. Unable to shake the feeling that he was about to fuck something up big time. But damned if he knew what.
He didn’t deserve her. She didn’t deserve a prick like him. But he’d do whatever it took to keep her in his life as long as possible.
The kiss he left her with was long and wet. Almost angry at the feel of the tears she couldn’t hold back any longer. It invaded both her mouth and soul. Branding her his. Promising nothing. Expecting nothing. Gratefully acknowledging, that if this was the end of his existence, he’d been given a glimpse of a life he’d thought never to experience.
Then he was gone and through the door. Never looking back. Accepting that if he survived his encounter with Leffner, that it wouldn’t be the last time he would do something like this. He might as well get used to the feeling of failure. Not at surviving, but at permanent redemption. There might long, drugging glimpses of it here and there. Hours spent in Zar’s arms, laughing with Audrey, raising Hill, working like an everyday slob. But they were just periods of illusion. This, this was his reality.