Situated on the crossroads of historical and strategic sea lanes, the province of South Sulawesi constitutes the narrow south-western peninsula of this mountainous, orchid-shaped island. The capital and chief trading port of the Province, Ujung Pandang, is still the gateway to eastern Indonesia.

The seafaring Bugis dominate the southern tip of Sulawesi, but further north, trough rugged and remarkable country is Tana Toraja, often referred to as the "Land of the Heavenly Kings" whose unique culture rivals any in the archipelago

Toraja Land well known for its unique culture and ancient traditions. Rantepao is the center of tourism in Toraja Land. From Rantepao, side trips can be made to Kete, a traditional village where there are handicraft and unique shops, behind the village there is a grave site on a hillside. Two cliff graves easy to reach are Lemo and Londa. Palawa is traditional village with its Traditional Tongkonan houses.

There are two words for 'house'. Houses in common are named banua, while houses of relation or origin are named tongkonan (tongkon means 'sitting'). Tongkonan points at the place where members of a family gather to discuss important affairs like marriage, heiritage, to arrange things for maintanance of the house or to attend ceremonies. A house in which someones father, mother and other relatives are born can be seen as the house of origin. As well as among many other communities in western Indonesia, the origin is decided from two directions, by the father as well as the mother. In this way, they don't belong to one single house, but to several, however they don't go and live in one of those necesarily. The size of the group in a random house, which only meet under rare circumstances, is hard to track down.

The road from Makassar to Toraja runs along the coast for about 130 km's and then hits the mountains. After the entrance to Tana Toraja you enter a majestic landscape with giant gray, granites and stones and blue mountains at a distance after passing the market village of Mebali. They form a sharp contrast with the lively green of the fertile, rain-fed terraces and the rusty read of the tropical laterite soil. This is Tana Toraja, one of the most splendid areas in Indonesia.

For descriptive itinerary, Tour Price, flight details, airfares,
further information and private trip arrangement, please contact us

Jl. Cendrawasih V 103, Makassar ( UjungPandang )
South Sulawesi, East Indonesia - 90123
Phone  : + ( 62 ) 411852445
Urgent Reservation via SMS : 081342256779 (inside Indonesia)
                             + ( 62 ) 81342256779 (outside Indonesia)
Fascimile : + ( 62 411 ) 872061
Air-mail address : P.O.Box 1684 - Makassar, East Indonesia
E-mail : info@sulawesiexplore.cjb.net 
          : spanish@sulawesiexplore.cjb.net ( Spanish - Division )
Website :http://www.sulawesiexplore.cjb.net 

Ziaur Rahman
E-mail : ziaur@sulawesiexplore.cjb.net

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