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Bach Flower Remedies


Common Name: White Oxide of Arsenic

Causation.-- Gastric derangements are caused by cold foods like icecreams, cold fruits and ice water. Other causes are alcoholic drinks, bad sausage, strong cheese. Ailments from tobacco, food poisoning, stings of poisonous insects.

Generalities.-- Tiredness. Exhaustion from least exertion. All symptoms generally worse from 1-2 pm. and 12-2 am. Burning type of pains in the affected parts. All the pains are usually relieved by heat, i.e. hot applications and hot drinks.

Mind.-- Anxiety worse at midnight, drives out of bed. Fear; Fear of death. Loss of hope of recovery. Thinks it is of no use of taking medicine. Thinks his disease is not curable. He is sure that he is going to die. Fear of death is more while going to bed or when alone. Restlessness; Always changes his position and place.

Head.--Headache better by cold bathing

Children.-- Teething problems in children. Child looks very pale, weak and very irritable. It always wants to be carried.

Stomach.-- Burning thirst, not as found in other remedies. Thirst for cold water drinks very little quantity but very often. This is because the stomach cannot assimilate cold water and it lies like a stone. Hence he does not dare to drink in large quantities. Cannot bear the smell or sight of the food.

Stool.--Diarrhoea; Stools are dark, scanty and very offensive. Great prostration after passing stool.
Haemorrhoids; Burning and stitching type of pains. Pains prevent sleep and sitting posture. Burning pain releived by heat. Burning fissures make urination difficult.

Respiration.--Asthamatic breathing. Feels better when sitting or bent forward. Dyspnoea makes him to get out of bed at midnight. Fear of suffocation on lying down. Worse at 12 o' clock.

Skin.--Skin pale waxy in anasarca. Dry and scaly, cold, wrinkled with cold clammy perspiration. Vesicles with burning pains.

Aggravation.-- After midnight (1-2 A.M. or P.M.); from cold; cold drinks; cold foods; when lying on the affected side.

Amelioration.-- From heat in general. Burning pains relieved by heat.

Relationship.-- Complementary:Allium s., Carbo v., Phos., Pyr.
