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Belladonna Plant

Common Name: Deadly Nightshade

Family: Solanaceae

Constitution.-- Persons when well are very lively, but become delirious and violent when sick. Suited to lymphatic and Plethoric constitution. Fine complexioned women and children with light hair, blue eyes and delicate skin.

Generalities.-- The pains of belladonna come suddenly, last indefinitely and cease suddenly.

Mind.-- Hallucinations; Fear of immaginary things and tries to run away from them. Imagines he sees ghosts, hideous faces and various insects; black animals, dogs and wolves. Delirium; violent with disposition to bite and strike the attendants; breaks in to fits of laughter and gnashes the teeth.

Head.--Sensation of fullness of head.Rush of blood to head. Head hot and painful.
Congestive headaches with red face and throbbing of brain and carotids. Headache worse from slight noise, jar, motion, light, lying down, least exertion; better by pressure, tight bandage, wrapping up, during menses. Bores head in to the pillow.
Vertigo when stooping or when rising after stooping, on every change of position.

Eyes.--Redness of eyes. Pupils dilated.

Nose.--Great tendency to catch cold especially when exposed to the draft of cold air, after hair cut.

Face.--Face red and flushed due to rush of blood.

Mouth.--Dryness of the mouth.

Throat.--Tonsilitis from exposure to drafts of cold air or riding in cold wind.

Abdomen.-- Abdomen tender, distended; worse by least jar, even of the bed; obliged to walk with great care for fear of a jar.
Pain in right ileo-caecal region, worse by slightest touch, even of the bed cover.

Stool.--Tardy stools.

Female.--Pressing downwards as if the contents of abdomen would issue from the vulva; worse when standing and sitting erect; worse morning.

Cardiovascular.--Pulse full, bounding and globular.

Skin.--Skin uniform, smooth, shining and scarlet red. Skin hot and burning, imparts a burning sensation to examining hand.
Scarlet fever with smooth eruption.

Children.-- Convulsions during teething with fever. Convulsions come on suddenly. Head hot feet cold during convulsions.

Aggravation.-- From touch, motion, noise, draft of air, looking at bright shining objects; after 3pm; night; after midnight; while drinking; uncovering the head; summer sun; lying down.

Amelioration.-- Rest, standing or sitting erect; warm room.

Relationship.-- Complementary:Calcarea Carb.
Belladonna is acute of Calcarea Carb., and is often of use to complete a cure.
Similar to: Acon., Bry., Coc., Gels., Glon., Hyos., Mel., Op., Stram.
