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Bach Flower Remedies

Flowering Bryonia

Common Name: White Bryony, Wild Hop

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Constitution.-- Gouty and rheumatic diathesis. Irritable and easily angered persons with dark hair and complexion, firm muscular fibre. Nervous people.

Generalities.-- Stitching and tearing pains worse at night. Pains are worse by motion and better by absolute rest. Feels better on lying on painful side. Excessive dryness of mucous membranes of entire body. Mentally and physically worse on motion, better by rest. Rheumatic pains and swellings. Dropsical effusions into synovial and serous membranes.

Causation.-- Complaints from anger and mortification. Complaints appear when warm weather sets in after cold days, after taking cold drinks or ice in hot weather, after chilling when overheated, from exposure to cold draft air, supression of discharges like menses, milk or erruptions of acute exanthema.

Mind.-- Delirium: Talking constantly about business. Wants to get out of his bed. Thinks he is not at home and desires to go to home. Irritable. Wants things immediately which are not to be had, but when offered refuses them. Children dislike to be carried or to be raised.

Head.--Headache as if the brain would burst through forehead. Headache from stooping, from ironing, on coughing; Commences in the morning, gradually increases till evening; Worse in the morning after raising, when opening the eyes; Worse motion better on closing the eyes and by pressure.

Nose.--Nose bleeds when menses should appear.

Mouth.--Dryness of the mouth. Lips and tongue dry, parched and cracked. Blood spitting. Tongue coated yellow with bitter taste.

Stomach.-- Great thirst. Thirst for large quantities of water at longer intervals. Cannot sit up due to nausea and faintness. Pressure at the pit of stomach as from stone, relieved by eructation.

Abdomen.-- Liver swollen and sore with stitching pain. Pain worse on coughing and breathing. Must keep still during colic.

Stool.--Constipation:Inactivity of rectum; Stool large, hard, dard, dry, as if burnt.Constipation on going to sea.
Diarrhoea: Bilious acrid diarrhoea with soreness of anus during hot weather; of undigested food. Diarrhoea from taking cold drinks when overheated and from fruits; worse in morning and on moving.

Urine.-- Urine dark and scanty.

Female.--Mammae heavy, must support the breasts.They are hard as a stone; pale, hot and painful.
Menses: Supressed or too early and too profuse. Menses with vicarious discharge or splitting headache.

Extremeties.-- Joints red, swollen and hot. Stitching and tearing pain in joints, worse least motion and contact. Constant motion of left arm and leg.

Respiratory.--Cough: Dry and hard cough with scanty expectoration; Haemoptysis; Cough with gagging and vomiting; with stitches in chest; with headache as if head would fly to pieces. Cough worse after eating, drinking, on entering warm room and on deep inspiration.

Fever.--Typhoid fever: Mucous membranes dry; lips dry, tongue dry and cracked; stool dry as if burnt. Delirious at night and sleepy during day. Desires to remain still.

Children.-- Children dislike to be carried or to be raised.

Aggravation.-- Motion, exertion,touch; cannot sit up; warmth; suppressed discharges.

Amelioration.-- Lying, especially on painful side; pressure; rest; cold, eating cold things;

Relationship.-- Complementary: Alumina, Rhus.
Similar to: Bell., Hep.(Hasty speech and hasty drinking), Ran.(in pleuritic and rheumatic pains of chest), Ptelea.(pain and heaviness in hepatic region).
Remedies which follow after Bryonia: Alum., Kali c., Nux., Phos., Rhus., Sulp.
