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Black Lead

Common Name: Black Lead (Amorphous Carbon)

Constitution.-- For obese women or women with a tendency to obesity, with a history of delayed menses, suffering from constipation and skin affections. Fat chilly and costive.

Generalities.-- Emaciation of affected parts. Sensitive to draughts of air. Catalepsy; consciousness; cannot speak and move.

Mind.--Very careful and timid. Cannot make quick decisions. Lack of hope and courage. Sad. Music makes her weep. Thoughts of death.

Head.-- Burning round spot on vertex. Sensation of cobweb on forehead.

Eyes.-- Eczema of eyelids. Eyelids red and swollen with scales or crusts. Eruptions fissured and moist.

Ears.-- Hearing better during noise, as when riding in a carriage or car.

Nose.-- Catches cold easily.

Face.-- Erysipelas over right side of face, shifting to left with burning and stinging pain.

Stool.-- Diarrhoea: Diarrhoea due to suppression of eruptions. Stool brown, containing undigested food particles, with intolerable odor.
Constipation: Stool large, hard, knotty, lumps united with mucous threads. Smarting and sore pain in anus after stool.

Male.-- Aversion to coition.

Female.-- Sexual debility due to sexual abuse .
Menses: menses irregular, scanty, delayed and attended with violent colic. Menses delayed from getting feet wet. Weakness and morning sickness during menses.
Leucorrhoea: leucorrhoea before and after menses. Leucorrhoea in gushes day and night. Acrid and excoriating leucorrhoea.
Breast: Hard cicatrices of healed wounds prevent easy flow of milk. Cancer of breast from old scars and repeated abscesses.
Aversion to coition.

Skin.-- Skin unhealthy. Every injury suppurates. Eruptions upon ears, between fingers and toes. Oozing of a watery, transparent, sticky fluid from eruptions. Fissures over fingers,toes, nipples, labial commissures, and anus.

Children.-- Unrespectful.Teasing and laughing, even when scolded.

Aggravation.-- At night, during and after menses.

Amelioration.-- In dark, from wrapping up.

Relationship.-- Complementary: Caust., Hep., Lyc.
Follows well after: Lyc., Puls., Cal.Carb. in obese young women. Sulp. in skin affections. After Sepia in gushing leucorrhoea.
Similar to: Lyc., Puls. in menstrual troubles.
