Chapter 14

Taylor and I both skated into the Ramp Inn on Chrsitmas Eve and stared in awe. The whole place seemed to change over night. The had painted the street course all different colors grabbing the attention of the forming crowd. The vert and downhill where the same way. As we skated in we noticed other teams from far places such as Germany, Ireland, China, and Japan. The crowd was so huge their that we could barely spot the whole Hanson family and my Aunt and Uncle. The man gave us our gear and I have to admit it was very expensive stuff. They gave us brand new skates with the Ramp Inn logo on it. Also helmets, shirts and pads. We both wore jeans with our outfits to match. Garrison stepped up to the podium and tapped on the microphone. Taylor and I took seats on a bench. Taylor looked so different I could barely notice it was him. He had his hair in all braids like Zac does every so often. He also had a pair of shades on. There were photographers and people from all sorts of magazines there.

"Thank you all for coming." Garrison said over the mic. "Today we have all come to this National Invitational to find the best." Taylor and I both looked at each other. The National Invitational was something I had read in magazines. It was the biggest tournement in the world. "Today we have representatives from Germany, Ireland, Japan, China, United States, Canada, and Russia. So let the tourne begin." Everyone started to yell and scream. The order in which we go by came up on the screen. We were 4th in line for the street course, my fav. Russia was up first. They were both very good. There scores came up on the screen after they were done.

Russia: 1) 95 2) 94

"We can beat that." I said looking at Taylor. He looked very sexy in his baggy jeans and the green long sleeve shirt. I was wearing jeans and the same long sleeve green shirt. My hair was pulled back into a messy bun and falling out partly. Taylor smiled as they annouced Canada up next. As I looked around to the various teams I noticed there was no other girls except me. Strange!! I thought. The ding of the bell brought my eyes back to the street course. The two guys both looked like crap to me but then again they might be great under Canadian soil. After all they were the best out of Canada. A man came up to Taylor and I as we watched the Canadaian team.

"Excuse me but are you the US team?" The man asked. We both nodded. The man smiled as he grabbed his pad of paper. "Could you tell me your names? I'm from In-line magazine." I wide smile spread across my face since I couldn't resist.

"My name is Aleka Vasquilikis but everyone calls me Ali. And this is my friend, Jordan Gason." The man wrote down the notes and asked us where we were from and how long we've been skating. After he left Taylor turned toward me.

"Gason? Where did ya get that name?" I smiled.

"Just live with it." I told him. He shrugged and leaned back against the back. The scores came up for Canda.

Canada: 1) 89 2) 90

"Hey, I didn't know you've been skating for 7 years." Taylor said pulling my shoulder back so I was also leaning back.

"Oh yeah. Skating and I go way back." He smiled and gave me a little peck of a kiss. Next up was China. The two chinnesse men skated up the small platform and the first guy started off. The guy did okay but only did one difficult thing during the whole routine. Which was a 540. I can do 540's, 900's, and 740's in my sleep. They all just came so natural to me. The next guy started up as Garrison walked over to Taylor and I.

"Hey guys, ready to win!" He sounded excited.

"Hey, how come you never told us this was the National Invitational?" Taylor asked him. A smile spread across his face.

"I didn't know how you would react. Besides I'm not expecting much from you guys. Just do your best, k?" We both nodded our heads. Garrison was really a nice guy. The China team ended and the scores came up.

China: 1) 92 2) 93

Taylor and I both skated up the mini ramp on the left side of the course.

"And now we have Jordan Gason from team USA!" The annoucer yelled. The crowd went wild since most of them were from the US. The ding on the bell rang. Taylor went down the ramp and into the small vert. One thing I love about Tay's skating is how much speed and air he gets when he does tricks. He pulled off a total of 3 safety grab 540's and one 740 into the mini ramp. The ding made him stop and the crowd went wild once again. "And now we have Aleka Vasquilikis from team USA!" The crowd kept cheering until the bell rang once again. I decided to go into the railing figuring that would be a good way to start off with a hard trick. I went all the way down the railing and everyone cheered. I did a total of 4 safety grab 540's, one 740, and I pulled off a 900 on the tall vert. Our scores came up on the screen and man did the crowd go WILD!!!

USA: 1) 97 2) 98

Taylor grabbed me by my waist after we rolled down the mini ramp and down the hallway by the locker rooms.

"That was great!" I slid my arms around his neck. I stared into his eyes thinking how much I loved him and being with him and I knew it was time to tell him that.

"I love you." I said looking in his eyes. His smile faded and turned serious. He wrapped his arms more tightly around my waist, pulling me against his body. He leaned his lips forward until ours were together. He opened his mouth wider letting our tongues mingle together. I ran my fingers in his hair and his arms kept pulling me more and more against him while his arms roamed my back. He pulled back first. He glided his hands against my cheek.

"I love you too." Just then Uncle David ran back with Ike. Taylor quickly unwrapped his arms around me. They caught up to us and the looks on their faces showed pure happines.

"That was GREAT!" Uncle David said. I smiled at how proud he was of me and I wasn't even his daughter. My dad always said it was a waste of my time. Mom loved watching me though. "They just posted the results so far since the street course is over. You guys are first by 7 points!" He was so happy I could tell. Taylor smiled. "That was a great run Jordan." Uncle David added with a wink. It was his idea in the first place to change the name. "I'm gonna go back to the seats. See-ya in the winners circle." He ran back and Isaac stayed back. Isaac wore his basball cap and old jeans with a sweater. Taylor put one arm danging from around my wasit.

"Has anyone noticed yet?" Taylor asked.

"Nope and they won't probaly. You look way different." Isaac said as a matter of factly. Taylor smiled as Ike ran away back down the hall. He turned to me taking both my hands in his as he said:

"Are you ready to kick some major ass?!?!"

Chapter 15

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