Chapter 32

"This is so not fair! Jason has Board Walk and Park place with hotels on both. With my luck I'll land on them." I said. I absolutely stink at Monopoly. I always Mortage everything and go bankrupt. I picked up the two dice in my hands and silently prayed not to get a 4 or a 5. I let go of the dice as they doubled over showing a 3 and a 2. "I give up!" I yelled in agony. I leaned backwards and laid looking straight up in the air. I felt so happy now. Taylor laid down next to me in the huddle of blankets. He placed a soft kiss on my lips.

"For good luck." He whispered to me only. I smiled as he sat up to take his spin. He must of done well since he started to collect money from everyone. I rolled over onto my stomach and looked out the windows at the snow covered ground. It had finally stopped snowing but nothing was melting either. I stared outside at the trees covered with whispy white snowflakes. The scene was just too pretty to imagine. I stood up with a blanket wrapped around me and walked into the kitchen area. We'd lost all power but the phones were still operable. I picked up the cell phone to call someone as it rang. I took a seat on one of the stools pressing the talk button.

"Hey Ali, it's Uncle Dan."

"Hi there. What's up?" I asked casually.

"I have your clothes with me. The snow doesn't matter though for tonight. I need you to be at the station no later than 2:00 a.m. Got it?

"Loud and clear boss." I said trying to make myself sound braver than I was feeling.

"I just want to let you know something too." Dan said softly.

"Yeah, Uncle Dan."

"Thank You. Thank You for doing this and I love you Al. No matter what." I felt like crying but I didn't.

"I love you too. Bye." I pressed the talk button so I hung up. I folded my arms and laid my head on the table. I hated it when things go so well and then they turn on you. It makes me feel so. . . so . . . sad. I have had that sad feeling enough. I heard someone walk in and sit across from me as I started to sit back up.

"Who was that?" Tara asked me. She was the only one in the room so I could tell her the truth.

"Uncle Dan." I whispered to her. She sighed since she knew what it was about.

"When does the plan take action" She asked me.

"Tonight." I whispered back.

"Are you serious?!" She said harshly to me. I only nodded my head and sighed to lift some weight off my shoulders. "What are you going to tell Taylor?"

"Nothing. You'll all be asleep when I leave." Tara looked very diapprooving but I was in no mood to approve her. "You can tell Taylor afterwards." I said looking her in the eyes.

"Your going to be alright, won't you?" She asked me. The anger had left her face and was covered by fear. I couldn't look into her eyes and tell her.

"I don't know, Tara. I doubt it though. I doubt I'll be okay." I said softly hoping to make it lighter. Tara looked to the ground to hide her tears. Why did everything have to be this way? I though to myself. If I don't cry then someone I love cries.


"What's wrong, Tay?" Isaac asked his younger Brother. Ike and Tay went upstairs to put on some heavier clothes. Ike thought this was the best time to ask Taylor about the horrified look on his face earlier. Taylor stopped searching for the shirt he was looking for and sat on the ground bending his knees upward. He ran his fingers part way through his hair and stopped like he was majorly stressed out. Isaac sat next to Tay on the floor.

"I'm so confused, Ike." Taylor said. "You wouldn't believe what I found in Ali's police bag today."

"Sure I will. Just tell me." Ike said trying to comfort Taylor. Something was seriously bothering him. Although he seemed to forget about it playing Monopoly , the thoughts were not permiently erased.

"I found a gun in her bag." Isaac sat speachless. Of all the things in the world, Gun was the last thing he would think Ali had. She seemed so innocent and honest to have such a weapon on hand to use at any given moment. "She has it because the man who killed her mother is not in jail, Ike. The man walked away free for what he did. Worst of all he knows where Ali lives and knows how to get it and out of this house soundly." Ike began to shudder at the thought. He too, had thought the man was obviously put away for the crime. He too, was wrong. "I want to take Ali back home with us, Ike. Forever! She doesn't deserve to stay here and worry in fear the rest of her life." Isaac thought it was a good idea but the process of getting her father to let her go was going to be rather difficult.

"What about her dad?" Ike questioned.

"I know stuff about him to put him away for good."

"Like what?" Taylor looked into his brothers eyes.

"Ali's father is a child abuser." He said lightly. "He hits her, punches her, throws her down stairs. Whatever he can do to make her feel the pain he has inside his heart because he thinks she is the reason her mother died." Ike felt all this information was comming too fast. First he finds out she carries a gun and secondly her father is an abuser.

"Is it only physical abuse?" Ike said.

"I don't know."

Chapter 33

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