Central Illinois Pianist/Composer Scott David Smith




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CD Title: Playing with Angels $16.00 Add to Cart

Copyright 2002. Run Time approx. 59 minutes. Sean from work loaned me his Korg Karma, which I plugged directly into my PC and started playing. The result was about 15 songs recorded in one take complete with drums, accompanyment, bass, and lead. There are also 5 songs that I put together one track at a time using MusicShop on a Mac played through a Yamaha synthesizer, such as "Work all Day". This album was mastered digitally: no tape was used in the recording process.

Listen to songs from "Playing with Angels" at my MP3 site.

CD Title: Spontaneous Variations $12.00 Add to Cart

Copyright 1999. Run Time approx. 50 minutes. "One evening my wife asked me to play while she cooked dinner. I sat down and spontaneously wrote these sixteen songs in the order in which they appear here." Each song improvises on five notes from the major scale in sequence. Some songs borrow from each other while others are distinctive.

  • "Valleys to Search". Lynette's favorite. Nuf said.
  • "Elegant Dancer". Love song written for Lynette.
  • "Buoy". The mp3es just after a storm are ringing a buoy in the harbor
  • "Almost as Bach". Sounds like Bach with a modern twist. Probably the best track; definitely the most catchy.
  • "in absentium". Distracted, disconnected, but still trying to connect emotionally.

CD Title: Grasp $12.00 Add to Cart

Copyright 1998. Run Time 50:57. Seven instrumental piano and seven instrumental rock/pop tunes with full instrumentation. Cool tunes. Commercial appeal.

CD Title: A Moment in Time $12.00 Add to Cart

Copyright 1993. Run time 52:30. Instrumental keyboard music. The artist refers to this work as "puzzle songs" because they are tightly written. Many of his most appealing "hooks" appear in this work. This is a favorite among other musicians and composers. To date, more time was spent composing and recording this than any others.

CD Title: Differential $12.00 Add to Cart

Copyright 1989. Run time 54:41. Instrumental piano music. Sounds remarkably like George Winston. Songs flow into each other; seeming to belong together in just the order they are presented. A rare treat.