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Pics Of Nitedrifter


Here are some pictures of me. This is the best I can do for now.....I'm usually the one taking the pictures so I don't have many of myself to share. Maybe one of these days I'll get my pics done professionally....for now, just remember that I look better in real life! Remember to click the thumbnail image to see it in regular size!

Nitedrifter spins in dizziness Let's start off with a really cool picture a friend of mine made from a regular black and white image. I love this picture because it reminds me of a kaleidoscope!! When I was a little kid, I used to be totally fascinated by them because of all the colors and shapes you can see. Guess I'm still pretty easily amused =)

Nitedrifter in deep comptemplation about how long it will take for this website to be completed I look totally bored here in this picture but I like it! Maybe I'm just in deep thought....I tend to think a lot, mostly about life.

Jean is smiling here cuz she loves her new web design! Hey I'm smiling....probably cuz someone told me to! The quality on these quickcam pics isn't very good but hey, the quickcam was FREE courtesy of my wonderful cousin!

Nitedrifter's hair looks like that all the time...maybe cuz I'm always just getting out of bed Hey concentrate on looking at my hair cuz it looks cool in this pic! It's got that tossed around just out of bed hair always look like I've just gotten out of bed...hahhaha.

Another smiling pic of Jean...what's she so happie about anyway What??? Smiling again? Did you noticed the painting behind me in most of my pictures on this page? I think that everyone has one of those paintings in their house! It's an ocean view by some guy named "Taylor". I bought that one years ago at the beach (Ocean City, Maryland). I really like paintings and one day when I buy my gigantic house, I'll have lots of paintings!! For the meantime, check out some very cool painters and their work on the Miscellaneous Page.

First color picture of me and I have no clue as to who actually took this photo. It must be a pretty recent photo cuz my hair was still shoulder length. Now it's gotten a bit longer.

I like this picture...this one was taken a while back cuz my hair was longer. Maybe early last year. I tend to grow my hair out in the winter months and cut it in the summer time. I have really thick hair....just a lot of it that it gets really hot in the summer time if it's too long. But winter time it's really great cuz it keeps my head warm!!

Hey, there's two of me! I don't think the world can handle having two me drifting around. I like this picture cuz of the mirror. It was taken over at a friend's house over a year ago! My hair was really long then and I'm trying to grow it back out again.

This pic and the one below could almost be mug shots! Hey, where's my number? haha...hopefully I'll never find out about getting arrested....although, I have been handcuffed a few times...hmmm...handcuffed, tied's all the same, right?

Profile view...I like the colors in my hair but you can't really tell with this scanned image. Looks much better in real this is an old picture. My hair has basically the same style but it's shorter and the layers have grown out some...I think it's passed time for a haircut.

Overhead bedroom light gives this orange glow to everything including me! My hair is clipped back on this pic...I guess it looks alright....I prefer it down.

Another one of those orange glow pics! I'm like totally running out of stuff to write about...I think I mainly talk about my hair. I love my hair....not many people will say that about their own hair but I absolutely love my hair. I have really cool hair that listens to me well...tries to do whatever I want it to do =)

More to come soon!

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