welcome to eleanor and jeff's glorious pollyanna web page. what is pollyanna? well, it is a zine put out by two schnazzy kids from suburbia. it is filled with stuff to make any angst ridden teenager filled with glee. who are eleanor and jeff, and why do spend countless hours in this literary pursuit? well one purpose in creating this zine was to hook up with people who had similar interest as us, another was to offer a vehicle for self expression. and of course doing a zine is just a barrel of fun -- not to mention the sense of accomplishment you feel when you are done.

ok, so far three issues are out, and issue four should be out shortly. for more info write us at the addy below, or email eleanor and she'll hook you up with all the anwers you seek.

**news flash** after a hella long break, pollyanna is back in action. ish 4 is now out!. its the on the road issue, with a shit load of fun stuff about traveling up and down the coast of california. it has so much rad stuff we made it 4 pages longer. you know your gunna like it..

*** ssoo you wanna find out more about eleanor and jeff ehh? ***


        ISSUE #1

and people say there is nothing rad on the internet...

LABELS... Be sure to check out donna's record label, Chainsaw, and jody's label, Candy Ass. There is a Kill Rock Stars web page that has an online cataloge and some links, and dont forget K records and Riskykid (jesika's fantab tape label). Brianfloss is the home of shrinking violet and lucid nation, so it's a must see. *catpower* is on Matador, please go there. Lets see, there is always Silver Girl Records, and theYoYo studio

BANDS... Slant 6 info can be found on this discord page. Mimi has a fantab Bikini Kill page. Shrinking Violet is the band that made eleanor famous (the official page is rad to). Feeling detrimental? Well here's The Need. I heard they broke up, but That Dog still rule. . Here is a new page just created for Excuse 17, Third Sex, Heavens to Betsy and others (how could u go wrong?)

ZINES... Lisa's has an online page for her bitch dyke whore zine, and there is also a page for the amazing Kickstand zine. The riot grrrl review has a bunch of reviews of zines and the sort. Stop by Vividzine for a full serving of pop culture. Cooties is by kate, shes swell.

PEEPS... Madhu's page is a great place for info on grrrl bands, plus some excepts from her zine. Another good starting point is Mimi's page. Load Erin's page if you dare. Here is another erin with a cool page. She has comix and such, very nice. Janeeta of chainsaw message board fame has a sweet page as well.

OTHER... Stop by the Riot Grrrl web for info on past and upcoming riot grrrl conventions. Go here if you have know idea what riot grrrl is all about (jeesz come on, get with it!). Need punk points? Go here. Also vist the chainsaw message board where ideas and views are exchanged. No Life record shop in LA has a very nice page with a list of upcoming instore preformances.

thats all i can condure up at the moment. want to be added? email us k?

pollyanna is proud to be distroed by manifesto press, pander zine distro and little bug distro.

pollyanna belongs to the following rings


psst.. go to mi *new* cartoon heroine page and the chainsaw message board archive page
