My Writings
Life on the Crossroads-the only song i've ever written, to date. Its only the vocals, obviously, and very few of you have a chance to hear them.
An Ever-Changing World- I actually won $50 from my school for this one. And it is severely disturbed.
Conversion- This one won runner-up in the school creative writing contest when i was in the tenth grade. It got printed in the yearbook and everything.. Woohoo.
Doing Fine- a story i wrote one night after spending an hour cutting one cut on my arm deeper and deeper.. i needed to explain. Whatever. To anyone who recognizes themselves as one of the people mentioned, i apologize, this was quite a while ago, and things were messed up then. You all know how much i care about you.
The Plague - a happy existential little tale of vampires and the end of it all.
Change Child- The oldest story on here. I think i wrote it in the eighth grade. Possibly the ninth. But i'll let you all see my early stuff, just so you can appriciate the improvement..
Sleeping Peaceful - an english assignment; a response to some poem.. it turned out quite nicely, i believe..
Awakening of the Rose - an amalgamation of a few fairy tales... mostly Beauty and the Beast. A formula story, but its somewhat pretty.
Petals - Yet another attempt to expell some of my demons. Not overly successful.
A Dream of Earth - timeless Love story. In a way.
Santa's Little Elves - A nasty little story with an.. odd.. perception of old saint nick. I have some issues about x-mas.
Beauty and the Beast - no fairy tale here. Probably the most disturbed thing i've ever written, and finished. It isn't graphic, but still, be warned.
Wesley - a somewhat disturbed poem written BEFORE all the school shootings..
Losing Hope - another poem.. written partially when i was very angry at the world.
Some Days- a very dark poem
Other's Writings
Untitled Poem by Peter: written for me.. no one's done that for me before.. thank you, peter.. no matter what, i love you still.
A Tragic Poem by Peter Hazen- an absolutely incredible poem by one of my bestest online friends.. thank you for letting me put this up..
Shadow Lover- By Mercedes Lackey: Possibly my favorite poem ever.
Richard Corey- Edwin Arlington Robinson
The Road Less Traveled -Robert Frost
Mental Cases - Wilfred Owen
And thou art dead, as young and fair -Lord Byron
A Soldier's Dream - Wilfred Owen
The Pit & The Pendulum - Edgar Allen Poe
Alone - Edgar Allen Poe
"Howl" - Alan Ginsberg
The Raven - Edgar Allen Poe
Okay, lets just assume that all this stuff is copyrighted and you can't claim it as your own.. i mean really..