October 10, 1998

House Of Blues - Los Angeles, California, United States

by Omaha Perez on October 15, 1998

The show was already sold out, Saul's band Jaguares are hugely popular. I ended up just going down there and lucked into a ticket. Moments after I got in an opening act came on, the opening notes were very LOUD, hardcore thrash. I began to laugh as it went into "Spirits In the Material World". The verses were very faithful to the original, the chorus - thrash, and all in Spanish of course.

Both bands were very good, but the combo of it all being in Spanish and being material I'd never heard - well, I stuck to the bar until the finale. Jaguares left the stage for their encore about 11:40, the singer came back and announced that Stewart and Andy would be joining them...and 10 minutes later there's Stewart behind the kit as they go into the Spanish version of "Does Everyone Stare". Andy walks on for the next song, "Demolition Man". I am not at all ashamed to admit that my eyes teared up a bit at this point. These guys are simply phenomenal, they tore it up. I feel sorry for all you poor folk that missed out, Sally I really hope you were there somewhere. Hearing Stew & Andy together live was nothing short of blissful. They concluded with "Message In a Bottle", words can not convey how good this was.

Sting needs a giant kick in the ass. I've seen him on every one of his solo tours, and I truly like the musicians he's worked with over the years... but they don't touch Stewart & Andy. The energy level was amazing, the playing was amazing. I'll take a 2 - 3 song Andy & Stewart set over a Sting concert anyday.

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