Here is an ever growing list of individuals who have ADD/ADHD or who have been believed to have ADD/ADHD based on their characteristics. Much research has gone into compiling this list. There are individuals who are not listed, and as research is furthered the list will be more detailed. The purpose of this compilation is to illustrate that there are many people with ADD/ADHD and that it is possible to achieve great success despite it.

Ludwig Van Beethoven A famous composer

Thomas Edison A famous inventor (electricity)

Winston Churchill A statesman, author and artist
He was a bad student who couldn't concentrate,look at what he achieved.

John F. Kennedy, President of the United States

Orville Wright (of The Wright Brothers) Co-inventor of the airplane

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart A famous composer

Robin Williams A world famous acadamy award winner.

Benjamin Franklin An inventor, statesman, writer and publisher
He was disorganized and argumentative yet he had an infinate amount of ideas and imaginative ventures (electricity).

Henry Winkler An actor ( "The Fonz") from Happy Days.

Agatha Christie A famous author

Woodrow Wilson A president of the United States

Walt Disney A famous cartoonist and maker of Disney Land

Alexander Graham Bell A famous inventor (the telephone)

George Washington first U.S. President

Werner Von Braun A famous missle scientist he developed the V-2 Rocket.

Albert Einstein A famous mathematician (E=mc2)
He was a poor student, he didn't talk until he was 3, was distractible, socially awkward and messy, yet unimaginably creative and intelligent.

Steven Spieldberg Acadamy award winning movie mogul.

Henry Ford A industrial innovator he invented the Ford car and headed the Ford Motor Company which at the time was the largest manufacturer of cars in the world.

Hans Christian Anderson A writer of fairy tales, poems and dramas "The Ugly Duckling", "The Red Shoes".

Ronald Reagan The former President Of The U.S. and an actor.

Ann Bancroft An Actress

Sir Richard Francis Burton English explorer, and diplomat, noted for his translations of arabic literature "Arabian Nights"(16 vol.,1885-1888).

Robert Kennedy former Sentor

George Burns An actor

Harry Belafonte An actor

Prince Charles

Stephen Hawkins A Scientist.

Mariel Hemingway Actress

Ernest Hemingway A famous novelist and short story writer. He won the Pulitzer Prize(1953) and Nobel Prize (1954) for literature.Some of his works are "The Sun Also Rises"(1926),"The Old Man and The Sea", "For Whom The Bell Tolls"(1940).

Bill Cosby Famous actor and comedian

Harvey Cushing, M. D.

Leonardo da Vinci A famous painter, sculptor,architect,scientist,and engineer. Notable painting include "The Last Supper", "Mona Lisa".

Dwight D. Eisenhower U.S. Presient

F Scott Fitzgerald Autor "The Great Gatsby"

Malcolm Forbes

Galilel Galileo An astronomer and mathematcian. Invented the refracting telescope(1609), A proportional compass and a thermometer. He made many discoveries in astronomy such as the sun rotates on it's axis.

Danny Glover world famous actor

William Randolph Hearst A famous publisher and former senator. Owned several newspapers and magazines "Morning Journal", "Harper's Bazaar", "Good housekeeping"

Tracey Gold Actress (Growing Pains)

Zsa Zsa Gabor A world famous actress

Micheal Jordan World famous athlete (Chicago Bulls)

Sylvester Stalone world famous actor "Rocky","Rambo"

John Lennon world famous musician "the Beatles"
Abraham Lincoln President of The United States

Carl Lewis Olympic winning athlete

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart A world famous composer who started out as a child prodigy. Some of his operas are still performed today including "The Magic Flute"

Sir Issac Newton A world famous scientist and mathematician. Explained the influence of the Earth's gravity. discovered the binomial theorem,tangents,differential calculus,reflecting telescope,and that white light is a combination of the colors of the rainbow.

Nostradamus A famous astrologer mostly known for his prophecies.

Louis Pasteur A chemist who is regaurded as the founder of bacteriology. He created many vaccines.

Pablo Picasso A world famous painter and sculptor "Demoiselles d' Avignon", "The Guitarist"

Edgar Allan Poe A Poet, story writer, and literary critic. "The Raven", "The Pit and The Pendulum", "The Murders In The Rue Morgue".

George C. Scott A famous actor

Sergei Rachmaninoff famous composer,pianist, and conductor "The Prelude in C Sharp Minor".

John D. Rockefeller American oil magnate and philanthropist (he gave away over $600 million) . At one point "the richest man in the world".

Eleanor Roosevelt former First Lady

Babe Ruth Famous baseball record holder

Anwar Sadat

Pete Rose A world famous baseball player

Stevie Wonder Grammy Award winning musician

Tom Smothers A famous comedian (The Smothers Brothers)

Lindsay Wagner An actress

James Stewart A world famous actor

Leo Tolstoy A writer and social reformer "War And Peace"(1866).

Vincent Van Gogh A world famous artist some of his most notable paintings are "Sunflowers", "The Potato Eaters","Berceuse", The Bridge at Aries" along with his self portrait

Henry David Thoreau writer and poet "Walden"(1854), "Civil Disobedience"(1849).

Jules Verne famous writer "Around The World In 80 Days",(1873).

William Butler Yeats novelist, poet and 1923 Nobel Prize winner for literature

I want parents of children with ADD/ADHD and those who have ADD/ADHD to see that there is not much difference between the characteristics of ADD/ADHD and those of giftedness. Equipt your children to make the most of these traits. Realize that they can set out to be and do anything they wish. Be proud of your children and encourage them to feel good about their unique qualities. These are the behaviors associated with giftedness, read them and decide for yourself.


Poor attention, boredom, daydreaming in specific situations

Low tolerance for persistence on tasks that seem irrelevant

Judgment lags behind development of intellect

Intensity may lead to power struggles with authorities

They have high activity levels and may need less sleep

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