In the past Ritalin has been embraced by the medical community as well as by those affected by attention deficit disorder. Over the past few years many have questioned Ritalins' saftey. Studies of Rialin (Methylphenidate) show that the drug has the potential to be carcinogenic (cancer causing). The labeling for methylphenidate drugs has been changed to show the findings of 2 two year carcinogenic studies led by the National Toxicological Program of the U.S. Department bf Health and Human Services. The FDA regards the results of the studies as a weak signal that the drug may have carcinogenic potential. The FDA still considers methylphenidate a safe and effective drug but stated that the signal "indicates a potential risk that needs to be considered and further studied because of the increasing and often long-term use of (methylphenidate) in children." The agency said that the use of the drug has increased two to three times in the past five years. The carcinogenicity studies were recommended by the National Cancer Institute because previous studies of methylphenidate had not been performed. The National Toxicological Program studies showed no evidence of carcinogenicity in rats. In mice, methylphenidate was associated with an increase in benign hepatocellular adenomas and, in males, an increase in a malignant tumor (hepatoblastoma). The FDA considers the results a weak signal because the increased rate of tumor formation was seen in one, of the rodents tested and in only one organ, the mouse liver, which is known to be sensitive to tumor development in response to various stimuli. The increased rate primarily involved nonmalignant tumors, and there was no increase in animal mortality rate. The type of tumor found is rare in humans, and no increase in incidence has been seen in recent years despite increased use of methylphenidate. According to Ciba-Geigy (manufacturer of Ritalin), other drugs perceived to be safe in humans (e.g., phenobarbital, carbamazepine, and metronidazole) have stronger signals of carcinogenicity. The FDA is planning follow-up tests in animals, as well as studies in humans.
It is disturbing that part of the rationale for ignoring the liver cancer in ritalin fed mice is that "mice develop liver tumors easily from a variety of drugs. Several drugs that cause cancer in mice, such as Phenobarbital, are sold anyway." This is a reprehensible attitude! Especially because ritalin is used so widely amoung young people, about 3 million children and teenagers use ritalin daily. How can Ciba-Geigy and the FDA adopt such a careless attitude?
Source: American Journal Health-System Pharm Vol. 53 Page 610 Mar 15, 1996

Ritalin has been shown to cause permanent heart damage. There are two scientific research articles from the St. Louis Medical School in St. Louis, Missouri. The Fischer, VW et al.Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) 1977; 238:1497 and the Henderson, TA et al.The American Journal of Cardiovascular Pathology 1994; 5(1):68. These two article provide disturbing evidence that Ritalin may cause permanent damage to the myocardial (heart) ultrastructure of humans. Over a million children with add/adhd are taking Ritalin. I'm sure most of these children's parents haven't been informed by their physicians that Ritalin may cause permanent heart damage. We have to wonder if the manufacturers of methylphenidate have studied the possiblility of heart damage from Ritalin and how harmful the damage is. Is there currently medical research concerning these health risk matters? All physicians have a medical, legal and moral responsability to let us know more. How can anyone be careless when it comes to children's lives?

The consequences of using ritalin in children should be seriously considered! The potential side effects can be far worse than a hyperactive child. Some of the side effects of ritalin include zombie like behavior,seizures, growth suppression, thought behavior disorders, headaches, blrred vision; scalp hair loss; Tourette's syndrome (including tics), barking like a dog and babbing profanities, mood swings, depression,drug dependence, criminal activity, the list goes on and on. Why then would anyone recommend Ritalin for a child? Of course the drug companies will tell us ritalin is safe. Don't they stand to loose considerable money if they disclose the truth? Our childrens' health deserves high scrutiny of the drugs and whether or not we can find alternative solutions to treating add/adhd. Knowing that ritalin shaves years off the lives of our young people should also be taken into consideration. I know with alot of cases (in my daughters' case) diet makes a big differecnce. I'm not saying diet changes will completely solve the symptoms but along with alot of patience and behavior modification it's a start.