Have you ever wanted to pull a good prank on a friend..?
Well now you can on my show. Just send in requests by email
and I will pick the best one to feature on the show.

For your amusement I present 
the 5 most EVIL pranks ever.

(Caution this list is meant for information only. Do not try this at home)

1)Hide a dead fish: Buy some fish bits and scatter in hard to reach areas
 your vicim will be in.In a few days nature will commit your act 
of sweet revenge for you. Rotten fish is the most putrid, 
rotten smell known to man.

2)Expanding foam under a door: This an old college favorite with a new 
twist. Go to any home improvement store and buy a can of expanding
 polystyrene foam and squirt it under the door of your victim.
The foam will expand and harden it will be very difficult to open door.
(Caution doing this might trap someone into the room for a long time 
causing panic and claustrophobic reactions this is very dangerous)

3)Fiberglass in the clothes dryer: Take a small piece of yellow
fiberglass insulation used for central air conditioning systems.
Place in your vicim's clothes dryer. The tiny pieces of fiberglass
act like like a super itching powder embedding itself into the 
clothes causing endless fits of body scratching.

4)Super glue fun: Ahh Super glue. God's gift to pranksters. This
stuff has literally hundreds of uses when it comes to mischief.
My personal favorite has to be to use the stuff to lock people
out of cars and dors. Using this stuff is a no brainer. All you 
have to do is to make sure that it gets into the keyhole and 
hardens. When it does (it only takes 15 seconds) you have 
effectively locked the victim from their own house, car, etc..

5)Soap in fountain: Yup it's the oldest trick in the book. Go to a
store that has a detergent section and pick up some of those
new Tide© effervescent tablets. This is the best kind of soap
To get because you do not have to lug around a big bottle of
detergent which increases your chances of getting caught. Sounds
pretty runn of the mill right, here is where it gets good.
Go to your favorite grocery store that has baking supplies
 and pick up some red food coloring. It is usually McCormick© brand.
Now all you do is go to your favorite target fountain at night
and dump the entire contents of the Tide© tablets and the food 
coloring. The result is a black foaming mess of a fountain.
(Warning if you get caught doing this the cops are not going to take it 
lightly don't say I did not warn you)